My Blog...Mi Casa...Su Casa

I am the first and last of my kind....

Monday, November 10, 2008

So what happens when the government does not give a damn?

Haiti is a troubled country and those who have been elected to govern are either taken advantage of the country or they don’t give a damn about the inhabitants and in some cases both assessment would apply. I am sure many of you are aware of the school that collapsed last week and if you were unfortunate to have seen the pictures, I am sure you were both sad and disappointed. But then again, you could as well be one of those people who don’t give a damn about others, so therefore assuming you were moved by what happened could be a very bad assumption on my end.

Let’s get back to the topic at hand; why wasn’t this school inspected prior to its re-opening 8 years ago? Better yet, isn’t there a system in place whereby those in charge, presumably the department of education, would go out and visit these schools before the fiscal school year begin? It’s troublesome to think that those who are put in place to educate our kids and the future of our country do not give a damn about their safety. The people who live nearby by this school knew that something of this nature could happen; the minute they saw the building they recognized that it wasn’t set on the proper foundation, so why wasn’t this brought forth to the administration? Why did they have to wait for this tragedy to happen to come forward?

I know many of you are probably saying that this school is a private institution and I shouldn’t be placing the blame on the government; well my friend, most of the schools in Haiti are privately owned so therefore the government should take extreme measures to make sure that these schools are safe. I’d like to think that the private schools should be examined a lot more thoroughly so that the government can prevent this sort of incident.

I happen to know an extended family member of the owner of the school and I feel bad for her because well, they have taken him into custody and giving how the judicial system work in Haiti, he will not get a fair trial and he will be crucified. Matter of fact, they could kill him before the trial even begin, so I will keep them in my prayers but then again, he’s at fault. Because of him the lives of over 700 kids have been altered. 100 or so kids are now dead. And it’s being reported that some of them are still trapped in that building; I now fear they all may dead giving that it has been more than 72 hours.

So doesn’t the government give a damn? I could come up with plenty of reasons but then again I don’t you to feel brainwashed; so if you’re able to think on your own, I hope you can answer that question. Otherwise go ahead and ‘live your life’ and do ‘whatever you like’.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Too much or too little?

Is it ok to show too much or too live attention? That’s a question that a few friends and I have been discussing for the past few days. This trip has really given me a chance to explore different things and truthfully, I wish I wasn’t enjoying myself so much because I am now wondering if I should move back here for good. Yes, it would be tough at first but then again what would I lose?

So my dude Bobby is an introvert; he met this girl Tyna, who’s an extrovert. And while Bobby is not afraid to show his feelings, he’s cautious and very careful. Tyna on the other hand, she’s always telling him how she feels etc. They haven’t known each other for a long period of time so Bobby doesn’t see the need to show this girl too much affection too early into the relationship. Now, if I was asked this question a year ago, I would tell him to just put all his cards on the table and if she doesn’t jump on it, then, let it be. But now I feel differently about it. So I told him to do what he feels is best. But my friend Marco, who’s an extrovert, thinks that Bobby should reciprocate Tyna’s act and she let her in on his feelings even though its only been a short period of time and they haven’t even spent that much time alone with each other.

But then again, if Bobby doesn’t express his feelings, she’ll probably start wondering about him and where she fits in; so either way, he’s in the dog house. Too much or too little??? I am not sure if ther’s even an answer to that. You probably just have to follow your instincts and see what happens.

Express yourself if you have something to say about this topic…

History...Are you ready?

It’s a beautiful day in the nation’s capital and here I am chillin with some friends and we’re debating whether or not to buy into this ‘change’ motto. I am not questioning his motives or his experience, it’s a matter of me buying into it. I don’t care if the world is ready or not; I could careless if my hommies think I am a bad person for not embracing this candidate from the get-go, my thing is, will it benefit me? What are the advantages of voting for him verses the other dude? Will things improve that significantly if he is elected? Those are some of my questions and here we are, in one of the world’s best cities, we’re unable to enjoy the fall weather because we’re too busy discussing this election.

I wonder what Haiti would be like if we all took the time to share our opinions before casting that vote. Peace and love folks. Nov 4, 2008, history is upon us. Are you ready?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Less than a month to go

So let's than a month to go and Obama is leading in all the polls. More people have been registered in the history of voter registration and things are looking very bright for the democratic party. I know a lot of African Americans can't believe but its about to happen folks. A black man is going to lead the most powerful nation in the world. so what does that mean for African Americans? What does it mean for people of color?

Yes, Obama is a different kind of brother but we must take into account that he is the most complete brother to have ever run for the big one. He didn't just anihilate McCain in last night's debate, he sent the guy packing. Actually McCain fired 2 of his advisors this morning, one for writing a very racial satire and the other for some bogus reasons. To make matters worst, mcCain's wife jumped on Obama on some vote he failed to cast.

It's going to happen but its not going to be pretty. We're 27 days to election day and every single day is going to bring a different accusation, different poll numbers and more WALL STREET alerts.

Hope y'all ready for the ride. Keep it cool folks. If you immigrants can't vote, go to church and pray for a better America.


The time is fast approaching for the long awaited first annual Rap Kreyol: Unity is Power Benefit Concert in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

MIAMI, FLORIDA, October 2008- In Haiti, the current life expectancy is 51 years of age and 80 percent of the population are currently living below the poverty line. It is often easy for us to forget how lucky we are as a nation. Despite this, two companies are coming together to make an impact on Haiti; Shakaitutu and Prodg (Prodigy) Promotions have come together to unite the cause and unite the power.

Both based in South Florida, Shakaitutu is a multi-service production company with a strong collection of clients within the Haitian entertainment industry and Prodg Promotions is an organization founded to help promote the “achievements, efforts and good will” of Haitians in America. Prodg’s mission is “to create and foster a sense of national unity and pride in the Haitian-American community living and working in the US and abroad.” They do this, “by educating, inspiring, and motivating one another and by helping to foster, both in the Haitian Diaspora and in the US as a whole, the most positive perception of Haitians” (

At the beginning of organizing this ground breaking and extraordinary concert, these two companies were a separate entity. Now, however, they have come together to unite as one for the good of the Haitian community. Both companies felt that in order to spread their positive message to the people, they had to unite themselves in order to unite the people and the cause.

The purpose of this concert is to inspire entity to Haitians both living abroad and in Haiti. Not only did Shakaitutu and Prodg Promotions come together for this event but artists from the US, Canada, France, and Haiti are also coming together for the spectacular and humanitarian event to unite the power. Some of the headliners include Bennchoumy, Mister G, Tiwony, and I & I (from South Florida).

This concert will go on to benefit not one but two organizations in Haiti: Ecole Vincent (School of St. Vincent) and Theo’s Work, Inc. Ecole Vincent is both a school and a clinic for children with visual, mental, and orthopedic problems while Theo’s Work Inc is a non-profit organization founded to support humanitarian efforts in the South of Haiti.

The event will take place on December 20, 2008 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti and is expecting to have approximately 5,000 people in attendance. If you can’t make it to the event, the event will be coming to you as it will be broadcasted live on, as well as recorded and rebroadcasted on local network television, both in the Caribbean and in the USA.

Not only will concert goers be able to enjoy music from this genre from all around the world but they will also be able to see the joyous look on the children’s faces when they are presented with gifts just in time for the holidays. The Shakaitutu team has been collecting both money and toys for the children in order to surprise them this holiday season.

Making a difference is what made these two companies collaborate and become one; there’s no telling what they cannot achieve and with this collaboration they will be unstoppable for they have the skills, the talent, and the powerful hearts needed to succeed. The time is now to get involved; the time is now to unite the people, the cause, and the time is now to unite the power.

The Good Ol US of A...How do you see it?

Who would have imagined the nightmare that this country now faces? That crock of s**t in Iraq and now the financial meltdown of the country. When Bush first won, I gave this brain deficient the benefit of the doubt and said okay give him a chance and let’s see where this goes. Eight years later I can't believe the amount of damage this assh*le and some of our congressional leaders have done to America. That war with Iraq has to top the list, all that money, time, and lives wasted on that part of the world. When will we learn that whenever we get involved with The Middle East, we get the shaft?

Iraq, Iran, and Israel. The three I's that cause the rest of the world to go down the toilet. They blow up s**t,hate each other and we have to play referee. Let that part of the planet slaughter each other. When the smoke clears, we deal with whoever is on top. Just don't get involved and we'll save a lot of stress over that anus part of the planet. We have thrown away so much money on that cesspool that we lack the cash to take care of our own nation. Too busy worrying about foreign policy and our place in the world's standings. When are we going to get a leader with the balls to say "F**k You”, we’re going to take care of ours first.

Foreign Aid should be the first to fall. Stop sending billions of dollars overseas trying to buy friendship. Your country has a problem with money; don’t come knocking on our door because we have our own headaches and people to sweat over.

But all that is chump change compared to the economic meltdown that is around the corner. The bailout is in full effect. A lot of other people outside of New York and Wall Street saw it as being a handout to a bunch of greedy and dishonest bankers. Maybe they're right. That "hick" in the Midwest and out West may have more brains than some of those Harvard-Yale grads. When FDR was elected president, he was faced with a crisis a lot bigger than the one we face now. He heard the same doom and gloom scenario that this clueless Treasury Secretary was screaming about last week. (You want a blank check for over seven hundred-fifty billion and no restrictions as to how the money is doled out? His ass was shocked when Congress said NO!....Your current plan is not acceptable. Take your ass back and draw up something more workable). Which they did.

Roosevelt did not panic nor was he rushed into anything. He kept his cool and used his smarts to get America out of the mess it was in. He did not listen to or give in to the so-called experts. He weighed all the options; all the while he kept Wall Street cooling its heels. He ignored the noises of disaster and led. I can't imagine Bush being in the same camp because he gets on the national airwaves begging for the American people to back up his plan for giving away all that money in one fell swoop.
This lamebrain had to be kidding, all this happened on your watch. You saw it coming and you did nothing because once again we involved in Iraq and the foolishness there. People want to vote for McCain and that's their right. Yet we can't afford four years of this craziness. I don't see the senator as being a Bush clone, but he has voted along too many lines to think that he won't be. What really blows me away is that all this mess has gone down in eight short years. It’s like we went to sleep only to wake up and discover that the house around us is on fire. I’m not wild about McCain, but if he wins I will say a prayer for him only because the problems he or Obama will face will be monumental and overwhelming. The mess may take ten years to clean up. I don't envy any one of them; the jobs they will face come next January.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Abortion...Who's decision is it?

Here I am chillin’ at the office and my boy called me…it’s like the 100th time for today…this cat always call me on when he’s going through stuff and I am more than happy to help because he’s always there to help deal with my crap.

Last time we spoke about love and relationship, he was telling me about Hypatia, his new shawty. Since then, I sort of ignored the whole thing, I didn’t really want to hear about how she’s making him change certain things about his diet, his daily routines, etc. But now, this cat called me some crazy ass news. ‘Hypatia is pregnant’, he said. All I could say was, ‘word’ . So he went on tell me how the first night he busted her, the condom popped and few weeks later, she told him about it. So I asked him what he was going to do.

‘Well’, he said, ‘she had an abortion and I don’t know how to deal with that’. I responded by saying, ‘word…dang dawg…dang.’ So here’s the story: she called him and explained how she was pregnant and told him that she was at a very important stage in her life and she didn’t feel like she should keep the child. At the time, she was relying on him to change her mind but it seemed like she had already made up her mind about the whole thing so he didn’t voice his displeasure. Instead, he chose to talk to me, after she had already aborted the child.

My thing is, abortion is a serious procedure and if both parties do not agree on going through with it, then you should seek an outside source or a confidant’s perspective. Homeboi is troubled that she had the abortion without giving him a chance to process things. On the outside, it doesn’t seem like he’s ready to have a child but then again he wanted her to keep it. He expressed how, he didn’t want to force her to keep something she was totally against from the get-go. I mean, how was she going to read this man’s mind if he didn’t openly share it with her.

I don’t believe in abortion so I would never agree for my mate to have one. I know it’s her body and she’s the one who’s going to carry it yet it’s not like she had sex with herself and was going to carry her own sperm for 9 months. It takes 2 and I think they both should have dealt with things together.

What say you?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sex before the 1st date

- “I just wanna go home and get under my cover”
- “Word! Can I join you?”
- “of course, but I am going to sleep though”
- “I am not sure if I can just sleep if I am to lay next to you”
- “your buttocks, tits and lips would be prime locations to touch and feel”
- “cute”
- “all that before the first date?”
- “that is the first date”

So that’s a conversation between myself and this very fascinating young lady. Now is it possible that a man would want to hit it before he takes her out on that very first date? Does it matter if we have sex before we go out on our first date?

I’ve been in that situation before and on a couple of occasions it has happened. And having had sex prior to the first date didn’t change the course of the relationship. I think it could happen to just anyone especially if we do not live near each other. For example, say I am 20-30 miles away and I happen to be in your area, my first thought would be to give you a call and ask if I can stop by. Once I stop by, because we haven’t seen each other in a while and because we’re overly attracted to each other, our hands wouldn’t want to stay off each other. It’s not like I stopped by to get some, but due to the circumstances, there’s a greater chance for something to happen; whether we both wanted it or not.

Your thoughts!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Would you be offended???

This is a very serious short entry, so your opinion matter a whole lot. Yesterday I walked in on my co-workers talking about African Americans (black, negros, etc) in a so not positive manner. They were talking about Obama and why they wouldn’t vote for him and it’s as if they were stating that the country will never be ready for a black president and if Obama is elected then he should be assassinated so Biden can be president.

I don’t really care if my co-workers like Black folks or not, but such a conversation shouldn’t have taken place at the office. The funny thing is, when they noticed that I was out there, they quickly changed the conversation and I said continue on with the subject. I didn’t jump in the debate because I was afraid that I would say something stupid and somewhat question their ignorance.

How would you have reacted? They have never mistreated me or said anything offending to me, so how should I approach the situation? Your thoughts!

Monday, August 25, 2008

When is it ok to sacrifice for love???

So my boy called and he’s telling me about his new chick. From the minute he mentioned her name, I knew it was a complex individual. Shawtie’s name is Hypatia. This chick was name after none other than the philosopher from Alexandria, a woman whose work got buried because no one wanted to believe her crazy conclusions. For example, she believed that human beings were incapable of understanding reality. In any event, my boy told me that this chick was somewhat of a reincarnation of the philosopher yet he was into her. I am not one to question my friends’ choice of women so I said well, good luck and keep me posted.

Then he went on to ask me, is it wrong for me to want to change in order to be with the person my heart desire? When is it ok to sacrifice for love?

Never, I said to myself but I couldn’t say that to my good ol childhood buddy who was seeking my most sincere opinion. So my first question to him, how long have you known this person? It was followed by, what about her that make you want to change your ways in order to be with her? So he said to me, “I know this person quite like I know myself, and I am in the process of getting to know both of us even better.”

What does that all means, I said? In a sense, one must examine all the things that you have learned, whether from the streets, classroom, parents, friends etc. You have to somehow examine your history and see if you’re the type to compromise your own happiness. Although I didn’t know much about this woman yet one thing rings true, she was very controlling and knowing my boy, he doesn’t like to be controlled. But here he is being all submissive; this chick must have done something to this boy.

So for those of you who didn’t fully understand the first answer my boy gave me, here’s a breakdown. He’s getting to know her as he gets to know himself, and in the process he’s falling in love with her. To me I think it’s a scary situation because until one fully understands oneself it’s tough to allow someone else in. But then again change is necessary for growth.

So as you read this entry, just share your thoughts on the question above. It’s in bold for those of you who cannot differentiate between a question and a statement.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Beaute Creole Part VII (The friendly gathering)

So far more than 50 people have been confirmed for this party and FAC and I are trying to make sure everything goes smoothly. It’s sort of like the grand encounter of ghetto fabulous vs. preppy fabulous. In any event, FAC and I drew a list of all the things needed and we made sure to buy a few extra dollars of everything. Just in case more people show up. She was assigned to handle the grocery and I the liquor, music, cleaning up and decorations.

Its party time and people are showing up in bunches. We had several games set up, both indoor and outdoor. Dominoes, poker, bingo, couples Q+A, and Truth or dare…the food was set up by calories, from high to low (brilliant idea from FAC). We made sure to greet everyone as they were coming in and offered the appetizers and hors d’oeuvres. Giving that it was a hot summer day, most of the attendees were dress in summer attire. FAC was wearing a low-key floral summer dress. She looked exquisite. Most of her friends did except for this particular friend of hers. The one I had a little argument with at the bowling party. I guess she wanted to spice things up a bit to see if I would say anything to her. Well, it didn’t work. I treated her like everyone and she pulled FAC aside and asked her if I was kissing up to her or something because I didn’t even question her wardrobe. In truth, I wanted to say something because this chick looks like a hot ghetto mess but I wanted this to be a great event, so I subdued.

My thinking is that this particular is going to be around for a long time and if I wanted to deal with FAC, I needed to find a middle ground in dealing with her. So the best approach for the party was to smile, be nice, and keep everything short. During the Truth or dare session, everyone had some crazy dares, we had fun with it and actually had a very combative debate immediately following that. It was then that I realize that this particular friend wasn’t as dumb as she looked and that she had some qualities that I appreciated. In fact, we both found something that was worth appreciating and had a very positive talk.

Some of my male friends actually hooked up with FAC’s friends and no one wanted to leave. So we ended up partying till the next morning and everyone went home. A lot of crazy stuff went on in the middle of the night though. I swear I had one of her friends saying, put your sock in my mouth. Lol. But then again, I didn’t see it, so I won’t speculate much.

Now I have to clean up and afterward FAC and I are going to chill at deux. That was supposed to be my incentive so I rushed my behind up and disposed everything accordingly. Once finished, I rushed to the shower and once again, enter Ms. FAC.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beaute Creole part VI (It's official)

FAC got a txt and it says “come over for dinner at 7pm sharp…you know where”
It’s 6:59 and FAC is standing at the door, she was about to ring the bell when she noticed a note stating that it was open…as she’s walking in, rose petals are falling down from the ceiling…and a voice came on

“FAC, clearly this is new for me
I get so excited when you're here,
Rest assure there are no games
you’re all I see and I want to explore this,
I think we got something special going
so bear with me”

By this time, FAC is speechless. This is not the dinner she expected but then again even though this guy had some issues yet he was unique. He was his own man. He did everything his way and he is so detail oriented. She liked that about him. He was always on point.

He’s standing there with a bouquet of red roses. The candles had been lit. Wine had been poured. He whispered a few things in her ears and then he served her the meal. It was her favorite meal. Once again, she’s shocked, she didn’t think he would remember but like I said before this cat is listening even when he appears like he isn’t. His kindness deserved another kiss, so she planted a wet one on him.

He ended up apologizing for the way things turned out with her friends a couple of weeks ago. They discussed the matter and many more while dining and with each passing second they became a lot more into each other. For one, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other; she spent the entire night blushing and playing footsie.

So three questions came up during their conversation: 1) how do they integrate their friends into their relationship without jeopardizing what they’re trying to build? 2) is group outings important when one is trying to get their friends to acquaint with their mate? 3) How do they go about setting up the next group outing?

FAC is a bit reserved when it comes to sharing her feelings but when asked why she hung out with these ghetto girls, her response was very simple: they’re my childhood friends and no matter how corporate I am, I cannot ignore them and act like those booji women out there. They ended up agreeing on that because sometimes it’s hard to dismiss those you grew up with regardless of your success level. The thing is, just because you have somewhat ‘arrived’ it doesn’t mean you have to forget your old ‘hood’. At the end of the day, those people you grew up with will always have your back regardless if you’re on top or not.

They agreed to disagree but one thing that they were able to conclude is that, there’s a limit to everything. Whether it’s the way one dress, social behavior, or just the way one expresses oneself. I ended up suggesting that we should invite our friends to a pool/barbecue party to make things official. And it would be our closest friends, which would give us a way to have small chats, play group games and have some fun. And in the process get to know each other a bit more.

It was getting late and they both were tired by not, so he went in the restroom to take a quick shower, before he could come out, she joined him in there…

To be continued…

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Beaute Creole V(Meeting the friends)

The past two months we have spent a lot of time developing our relationship. Getting to know each other on a personal level and also trying to adapt to each other’s lifestyle. As with everything else in life, there are always ups and downs but the bottom line is, one should always be willing to work things out and improve on the things that could better the situation. Things weren’t necessarily official just yet but they were moving in the right direction. We had met some of each other’s friends, hung out at various places and somewhat developed a groove.

It’s Saturday evening and I wanted to take her to a comedy show, we had made plans for about a week but one of her friends called and invited us to a bowling party. While I wanted to see the Original Kings of Comedy yet I know she wanted to please her friend, so I canceled and attended with her. She gave me a briefing on her friends as to how they are, how they act, etc. So I figured I would fit right in. When we got there, things were a bit in disarray, some of the girls were just GHETTO, and the dudes, wow, smoking at the alley, heavily drunk and high. I just knew we were going to clash, so I told her that while I want to be here with her, yet I am not going to stay too long. I told her I was feeling the crowd etc. She said ok and agreed that we would leave after an hour or so. Now tell me why this chick went on and told her friends about that? Lol. I was livid. I was overly pissed. I mean, this was something I shared with her in private and I felt like she should have kept it that way. So her friends sort of tuned me out. It was like the whole Gang against me, the booji brother. Lol.

They decided that the guys would face the ladies, so we paid for a couple of games and started playing. Now, I am not a great bowler but I have bowled in the past. I actually enjoy the sport. So we started talking trash a bit but things got real testy when I put my foot in my mouth. I accidently classified one of the girls as being classless. Wow. It was as if they were waiting for me to say something so they could gang up on me. I did apologized but I think my words hit home, so all the girls, including FAC, was upset. The guys ended up winning the game but it was nothing to write home about. My comments seemed to have taken the fun out of things and I couldn’t recover.

While I still feel like my comments were warranted yet it wasn’t the right time t say it, especially when FAC was just trying to get me to bond with some of her peeps. But I must admit, the ladies didn’t really give me a chance to explain myself. I think our opinions of each had been formed the minute we were introduced. The way we were dressed, spoke, and comport ourselves just automatically gave that vibe. So, here I am minding my own business and now this girl had interrupted my flow and opened up a can of worm.

So the whole ride back home she didn’t say a word to me. I felt bad but at the same time, why should I hide my feelings when it comes to important matters? While I find this to be a minor issue, yet it was important to her, so I put my pride down and discussed it with her before I drop her off. We didn’t really get anywhere but it opened up my eyes to a lot of things.

To be continued…

Questions to the readers:

Does your friends’ opinion matter when it comes to the people you choose to date?
Do you need your mate to approve your friends or vice versa?
Does your mate’s opinion of your friends matter to you?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Beaute Creole (The Talk) Part IV

Effective communication is a must for any relationship to be happy and successful. In fact, studies show that the number one reason for success in relationships and marriages is good communication between the two partners, whereas, the number one reason why relationships and marriages fail is poor communication.

So I called her up when i got back to town, we made plans to link up at a local club for a night of fun. In a way we were both ignoring the fact that we had to talk about what happened, so maybe dancing was our way of easing into things. So we got to the club, hung out at the bar, joked around with each other and everything seemed fine. Onlookers could tell we were an item by the way we were acting; it’s as if we hadn’t seen each other in years and couldn’t keep our hands off one another. We got on the dance floor waltzed around and left the club after a couple of hours. We were undecided as to what we wanted to do so i asked her to come back to my place and hang out. She was a bit iffy at first but in the end she gave in; she figured we could talk about the past few weeks and get back on track with whatever we were trying to build. I guess it was like D day. One thing we both kept reminding ourselves is that we must break every situation down before it escalates into something bigger.

We got back to my place and started watching TV. She brought up my trip, so I told her about it and then I returned the question. She told me that she took the trip to put an end to whatever she and the guy in NY had. She and the guy in NY had so much of a history that she couldn’t just end it over the phone. Granted it had been a while since they had last seen each other yet she was feeling me so much that she had to do it. She had to literally see him and cut him off. When asked why the relationship didn’t work, she explained to me that distance played a role. But to get over him and press on with her love life, she had “to emotionally break-up with him”. In a sense, her reasoning was like, “to be with you and because I do not want to compare you to him, I had to go ahead and do what I had to do. “

To a certain extent, it made sense. I had to accept her reasoning because she had never given me a reason to doubt but then again, women have a lot of tricks up their sleeves…and guys do too. Don’t get me wrong, yet I still had to be cautious.

Contrary to what many people believe, successful communicators are made, not born. By this, I mean that being a successful communicator involves learning, or improving upon, a specific set of skills. The key elements of the communication process will help you to avoid miscommunication and greatly enhance your chances of having a happy relationship or marriage.

Now it was my turn to explain to her what happened. It as if she was 50 cent, she had 21 questions line-up for me. This woman was so smart that I couldn’t bullshit my way through things; I actually had to keep it real and just let her in. We ended up opening to each other and just let our feelings be known. She knew where I stood and didn’t have to question whether I liked her or not. It was rejuvenating to actually let things out, clear the air, and although at times I let certain things get the best out of me, but this time I vowed to commit to my promise and talk things out with her instead of bottling them up. There is a very true analogy about relationships that says; communication is to relationships what breathing is to life, and that communication is the largest single factor that determines what kind of relationship a person has with another.

Having had this talk with FAC, I realized how important it is to express ourselves. A sad person can just look sad and say nothing at all, or cry fully for a long time. An angry person can just sit and glare, or cuss and scream and throw things. A happy person can smile quietly or dance jubilantly. We feel better the more we EXPRESS what we feel. The only important factor is: "How SAFE am I to express it now with this person?" Communication requires both speaking and listening. It requires a clear understanding between the major differences between a man and a woman. For example men are more direct and women are more indirect. Men are more focused on results and completion or closure, whereas women are more concerned about relationships and the process of communication. It is this lack of understanding that often leads to misunderstandings in relationships and marriages. FAC and I had just crossed a major hurdle and were both committed to avoid that type of situation as long as we could prevent it.

She rests her head on my chest and asleep we felled…

To be continued…

Friday, August 1, 2008

Beaute Creole (the trial) Part 3

I am such a reflective individual and when it comes to personal relationships, I tend to be a lit weird at times. People would call it PMSing but I prefer to call it, trial day. On the day of the trial is when I am extra mellow, brief and impassive. It drives people crazy and it’s not something that I consciously do, it’s a reflection of whatever negative thing that you either did or said during that day or the previous night. Trial day usually lasts no more than 24 hours and it’s filled with a lot of questions, misinterpretations, different scenarios and some type of uncertainty.

It has now been a month and here I find myself on this big ol bed, I lie awake, thinking of this woman, her smell, her smile, her passion for life, her devotion to her family, her profession, to me, and I was missing her. A lot more than I would actually admit to her. See, she just went out of town. She’s in New York for the weekend to meet up with her best friend and she’s expecting to meet with an old flame for a late night dinner, and while she has re-assured me that nothing was going on, yet, like any other man would do, I started to fabricate a story in my head. See ladies, it’s a lot easier for a man to deal with a situation if he can make up a story in his head that makes sense to him and his friends. It’s a lot easier to deal with and to a certain extent it allows him to relax and be a bit free spirited for however long as he wants. My first question was why is she meeting with an old flame if there’s no relationship? Why are they still talking or better yet, why has she flown a thousand miles to see this man? But then again, she did try to sugarcoat it by giving this extensive explanation. Like all my frat brothers, that gibberish came in one ear and out the other. I wasn’t buying it but I pretended as if I did because I didn’t want any argument. I hate arguing over dumb stuff, especially when it’s over another dude. I am a hot commodity so you can either be straight with me or be replaced.

It’s Saturday morning and my head is going crazy, I am tormented inside, I know I shouldn’t have anything to worry about but I don’t really know this woman like that, I don’t really know what she’s capable of, so I wasn’t going to be a fool and let her play with my emotions like that. Like 2pac said, my mama ain’t raise no fool. So I turned off my phone and started to make some plans for the evening. I wanted to be just as engaged as she was for this day. It’s lunch time now, so I turned my phone back on, there was no messages from her, so I am like ok, I am not going to call or text (I love texting), I am just gonna get dress, go to my favorite store (barnes and nobles) and catch up on my reading. I landed upon this book by Laura Schlessinger,a hot shot Columbia grad who’s been making a lot of noise in the entertainment world. She wrote this book called “ten things women do to mess up their lives”. I swear this book didn’t help my situation but I kept on reading it. It took me 2 hours to finish it up but the book talked about a lot of things in terms of women’s behavior, attitude, and decision-making. While the author illustrated some good points yet it didn’t help my thinking. It has now been 18 hours since I last spoke to FAC and her not calling didn’t help her situation or any argument she could come up with.

I left the book store and headed back home, it was getting a little bit dark, so I needed to eat something before I could consume any alcohol, so I got in, whipped on some fish and fried plantain (I love fish), watch ESPN, and then pulled out my bottle of Babancourt. It was about 9pm when she finalled called me and said, “sorry I didn’t call sooner. I forgot to bring my charger and I just got back from the mall and I bought a new one to call you.” My response was “ok. Cool.” She said she was gearing up to meet with her ex-beau, I said cool, I’ll be going hitting the club scene and I would speak to her at my earliest convenience. (very important rebuttal) So I called my dudes and we went out to H2O that night. Fresh cut, fresh clothes, new jewelry (courtesy of my homie in NJ), and new cologne. I was on point. I swear you could have just plastered my poster all up on GQ magazine. I was THE Next Top Model. So, we did our customary thing, got in, went to the VIP, ordered a couple of bottles, and simply living it up. Educated black dudes, no women hanging on us, good conversation, waiting for the alcohol to kick in so we can get the party started. While it may seem like I am enjoying myself, deep inside I was dying. I ain’t Omar Epps, so I wasn’t in too deep, but my heart was in tears. It was Déjà vu all over again and this time around I vowed I wouldn’t be the sucker. So I got my babancourt on and around 2am, my boy Ish brought some fine looking shawties to the table. They spoke in unison and blatantly told us what they wanted to do with us. So we got on the dance floor, got our two step on, one of tem had me leaning back like Fat Joe, but like Jagged Edge, I wanted to trade it all.

Feeling disturbed, drunk and extremely upset, I told the guys that I would call it a night. So I got in a cab and went home. She called me the next day around 2 in the afternoon, so I told her I was busy watching golf so I would call her later once the round is over. So she started texting and asking me if everything was ok, I ignored her text for a couple of hours, and then I responded and said, I have visitors, so lets catch up once she’s gone. Her response was, “it’s like that?”, well I said, ask yourself that.

So the next day, I had to be at work early in the AM, she called to ask if I could pick her up at the airport, I flat out told her no and that I had a lot on my plate, so hopefully she can catch a ride home and I’ll try to reach her when my schedule permits. Of course I could have picked her up but at that moment, I didn’t have in it. I didn’t want to see her and by the way she acted that weekend, it made me uncomfortable, so I needed to put her on trial for a minute. So I pretty much told her I was going out of town and that I was going to link up with some old friends and I’ll see her when I get back the following week. That messed her mind up. Not even Alex Hitch could help her with that one. I flipped the switch, put my foot down, and wanted to teach her a valuable lesson in relationships. Especially one as fresh and new as ours. So the whole time I was out of town, she was texting telling me how much she missed me, how she can’t wait to kiss and hug me, I wasn’t really buying it. I responded when I felt like it and ignored the phone calls. My reasoning was, I left my charger at home, so I was sharing one with one of my mates. Lol.

I knew that I didn’t want to drive her out of my life through my actions so I played it safe. I text her when I knew she was asleep, so that she couldn’t call me to talk. I figured that she and I would have a long talk upon my return. So I’m about to catch my flight home and I’ll be sure, God willing, to holla when I touchdown.

To be continued…

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Beaute Creole (Part 2)

I awoke the next day to the smell of hot pancakes, FAC had prepared a nice meal for me, and the poison man was about to have his first breakfast in bed. I tuned the TV to ESPN, went to the bathroom to clean up, and back to my bed. She fed me. She took her time to put each slice in my mouth, for a second there I felt like a little kid in a candy store. She took great care of me and then told me that she had to head out and take care of some errands.

It has now been two weeks and she and I have decided to establish the rules of this impending relationship. For the first 3 months

We won’t have sex
We will spend the night only if one of us has to
No major gifts
No weekend getaways
And no family gatherings

Once we agreed on those things, she and I were simply inseparable. She would text in the AM to wake me up only to have me text her back when I knew it was time for her to get up for classes or work. It was a natural pattern that perfectly suited us and she and I just grew to learn a lot more about each other. We were in sync and that played a major role for the first two weeks.

Our musical taste differs to a certain extent but it didn’t matter because we both wanted to learn about each other. It was scary because the experience was so anew. So she invited me to a King of R&B concert featuring Neyo, Jay Holiday, Lloyd, Bobby Valentino, and Gerald Levert. You won’t find a lot of dudes at this event now would you? But I went because I sometimes listen to Jay Holiday even though I don’t care about his bed song. Bobby Valentino’s track ‘slow down’ was a major hit, so I figured she and I could cozy up while he performs that track, and Neyo is the new Usher and he got a lot of good tracks. So we got to the concert and she was all into it. I wanted to get into it too but it wasn’t my typical event. So we listened to the late Gerald Levert, danced to a couple of Jay Holiday tracks, we connected during Neyo’s performance and Bobby V just had her shaking her booty. That stuff looks good. But I won’t go into it just yet.

We had an awesome time. Good music, good food, a couple of drinks, lot of flirtatious moments, and most importantly, we were together. We felt like we were together. Her body was always near mine and I could sense her enthusiasm. It was great.

I dropped her off, kissed her good night and drove home to catch some sleep.

To be continued…

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Beaute Creole (Part I)

This morning I kept getting rings on my doorbell while I was sleeping. I thought it was a part of my dream but it kept happening. So I forced myself to awake from my slumber and see who was at the door. I unlocked the door and stepped out onto the stairs of my apartment when I noticed a figure I knew all too well. It was this ‘beaute creole’ from Aux Cayes who I have been in contact with. She’s sort of like an R&B chick, pretty nice eyes, her booty and tits are the right size, natural hair, sexy ass smile and face and I couldn't believe she was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting on me to unlock the door between us. I mean, this is pretty daunting because she’s standing there looking all delicious and eatable, and I am just wearing my boxer. PAs I walked down the flight of stairs I couldn't help but think how beautiful and inviting she looked. She is the color of night. Just beautiful all around but why was she here? I'd wipe my eyes to see if I was still asleep but there she stood. She and I have had a good history but I still couldn’t pinpoint why she would want to visit me this early in the AM. Afterall, aren’t you supposed to call before you come over? That’s why it’s called a ‘booty call’.

I opened the door to her and led her in all while I'm thinking "this is crazy, what am I doing?" I could smell her favorite cologne on her fresh skin and it turned me on. So I told her to have a seat while I "freshened up".

So I went into the bathroom, took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and put on some shorts. So I dragged myself back into the living room to where she was seated. Before I could open my mouth and say the first word she told me that she been thinking about me and she wanted to apologize for the way Fanm Jacmel left (referring to the last day of school) and wanted to show me that she could be my down ass chick. See, the sidestep a bit, Fanm Jacmel left at a time when I really needed her, I needed her to comfort me, but no, she was incapable of providing that, it’s not in her DNA, so therefore I was left hanging. So she proceeded by telling me stuff that I really wanted to hear yet couldn’t get myself to believe, but I accepted them because I needed to give her the benefit of the doubt, something her predecessor couldn’t give me.

So she and I sat on the couch, talk about different things from family history, her upbringing, her pasts relationships (which was very intense), her professional life and futuristic stuff. I was drawn to this woman before she came over but after speaking to her, this future nurse had me head over heels. I actually wanted to ‘koutize l’, I had never done that before, so this time I wanted to start from scratch and do it the way my ancestors did it.

So by now it’s 11 am, so I asked her if she had any plans for the day, she told me she was all mine, so I hesitated not, and made some plans with her. I wanted to make lunch for deux and since it is soccer season, I figured I’d take to an OM game and spend some quality time together. So she went into my closet, changed into a pair of my shorts and t-shirt, came to the kitchen to cook with me. That was my very first time cooking with a woman, so while I was still a bit nervous, yet it was sort of like a glimpse into the future, what might become of this IF all the dots are dotted and the ts are crossed.

So I pulled out a bottle of ‘Folie a Deux’ Carbernet Sauvignon, poured some in a glass for her, and we started to make quick pasta with vegetables and garlic sauce. Upon completion, we ate, laughed, cuddled, and completely forgot about the game. By the time we got off the couch, it was already 9pm so I suggested that we go to one of the bars by the beach and then a moonlight walk. She was all for it…it was surreal…totally unprecedented…drove back to my place, gave her a kiss on the cheeks, she got in her car and drove home.

We were on the phone the whole time she was driving back to her place, she got in, cleaned up, called me back, and spent the next 7 hours on the phone until we were interrupted by another knock on my door, so I went downstairs to see who it was, there she was with her pillow, standing at the front door, wanting to cuddle some more.

Turned off the lights placed my arm around her, and we fell asleep…

To be continued.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Gawou...le combat continue frere

Today I feel somber yet complete
one would think that a funeral would make you sad
I wouldn't know because I didn't go
as you may know my homie Ishmael went home
as I feel sad that he had to vacate the spot and leave
I am somewhat relieved by his passing
I spoke to his brother Ali and Ish is not suffering at this time
He was really struggling so he’s with god for all time
there will never be another
For what he brought to the table, a friend like him I will never have a better
I can only hope to be
as compassionate, colorful, and philosophical as he was
I am glad he knew how I felt though
his whole family knew that I loved his crazy ass so
and I knew he loved my stupid ass unconditionally
it’s as if we were from the same lineage
twins from different moms yet the same age
you’ll never be forgotten my dude.
R.I.P. Gawou…
Le combat continue frère…on bouge sur le terrain like never before.
Prince B vas le faire…hope you’re proud man.


All about you

Whats up folks? It's monday morning and i wanted to check in with you all. How was your weekend? what did you do? Who did you do it with? Feel free to share.

Mine was cool. Didn't do much. But i am looking forward to next weekend. In fact i have been looking forward to next weekend for a while now. It should be very exciting.

So my last post 'last day of school 2' was pretty intense. Some people think i should avoid posting those stories simply bc i am a professional and i need to hide that part of my life. But then again, this blog wouldn't be "inside the mind of the poison man', would it? I know what i am going to do with folks like that though...

so i am in the mood to 'fe lanmou en creole', you know. ever since the term was explained to me, thats all i want to do. Unfortunately, i don't have a partner, so would you "fe lanmou en creole" with me next weekend?

For a while, I thought Jacmel had the best girls in Haiti so in my mind, i only focused on them in my writing...but the other day, medam aux cayes, komanse voye mass mail ban mwen, asking me why am i sweating ti kokorat Jacmel yo, yo dim Aux Cayes "c'est la source de la beaute" gen le map oblije al Aux cayes pou m verifie bagay yo. lol.

So two people donated to the toydrive today and while i am very grateful, i feel like the HTan community should do more. So i am asking you, yes you, we're in need of $12, to reach $1,100. See what you can do to help. After all, ou di w se moun pa m, but ou pa janm supote anyen k map fe.

Enjoy your work week folks...and look out for some good topics this week. I am feeling really good today.

Thanks to my Aux Cayes beauty for the contribution. Wa fe moun yo rayi m wi tifi.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

A mon Frere Ishmael...R.I.P.

RIP to my boy Zanga Ishmael Coulibaly
I was there when you hit your first game winner
Helped you bone your first girl in America
Helped you with your first English paper
We wrote our first song together at the house
“Nothing better than pussy” was the theme
You never missed any of my games and vice versa
You showed me what true hommihood is all about
Thank you for Kery James, thank you for Akhenaton
Thank you for all your advice, thank you for not selling me out after I slept with Henry’s girl
Dang, that would have been a major ass whipping.
Thanks for the biscuits man, you always made sure to save me some extra ones
Thanks for all the hours in the studio, my love for music grew because of you
Your dedication and passion, I will never forget
Sorry I couldn’t be there for you when I went away for CT
Yet you made sure to come see me when I was struggling on the field
Thank you Ish for always having my back…the night I got drunk with Abokan
The night we got kicked out of the dorms…
The night the girls took the car…
We made plans to link up at the Kery James concert…
Now I wish I had call your mom when you fail to reply to my e-mail
Why didn’t you tell me you had cancer fam? I bet it was your pride…
I would have flown to Abidjan to see you man…You were part of my family.
I told my folks and they’re sadden over the news man.
I wish we could have had one last go at it…Kery James at the Cigale would have been crazy dude.
It’s sold out though…I’ll pay my respect when in February…
I promise to stay in touch with your mom…she was a great French teacher to me.
I know she’s devastated…I’ll reach out as often as my schedule allows me…
I know you’re gone but you’ll always be in my heart fam…
Sorry you didn’t get that Kiss from Cheryl…she cried when I told her last night.
Now she wishes she had kissed you too. You should be smiling…That’s one girl, I couldn’t pull…not even on my best day…lol.
“Nothing better than pussy”…if only you knew man…Life is a whole lot better than pussy.
The stupid shit we say when we have no clue about this life…

Repose en paix mon frere! t'a marker ton temps, tu m'as marker par ta simplicité, ton ouverture; tu n'était pas comme les otres jeunes de ton age. t avait 1 grd coeur tjrs souriant, poli, gentil, respectueux, t avait la joie de vivre et de reussir tout sk tu fesait. Gawou, tu me manques.

R.I.P. 7/22/08

Friday, July 25, 2008

Last Day of School (Part II)

****This is the continuation of Last Day of School. Hope you like it.****

She had a body that was smaller than I had ever thought I’d like but I did. She had small breasts that were almost non-existent. She had a small butt and a small face. Pretty young Haitian shawty from Jacmel, she was quiet, always had her head in the books. We used to flirt back and forth but on this very day, I noticed her alright…It was the first time I noticed her and to tell the truth, I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Now, that she had my attention, I couldn’t help but notice her cute, little ass. There wasn’t much of it, but what she had, I liked and I was learning that I liked it a lot.

She and I became real close and all semester long she had wanted me to bone her in the classroom yet her fears prevented her from committing to it each time we got close to doing it. So on the last day of class, the final session before she receives her degree, I surprised her. I knew that she likes to sit in the last row, so when she came in, the professor passed out the necessary documents and once he said “you may now begin”, I placed my hands on her thighs, she peeked under the desk and there I was. She whispered,’ what are you doing?’ I told her not to worry and focus on her exam. Giving that she was wearing a skirt, I slowly took off her pantyhose and her undergarment exposed with just the smallest bit of fabric flossing its way between what I could already tell was a glistening pussy. Knowing that her vagina had already surrendered, I didn’t bother with pulling her panties down. I just pulled the wispy cloth to one side and I placed my ring finger inside of her.

The girl let out a little, plaintive bleat as her pussy took the full length of my finger and then she was quiet as I pulled it back only to let out another of her little whimpering cries as I finger fuck her with two fingers. I could feel the moist of her vagina, I gently rub the clitoris, and I could hear her moan, she wanted it, right then and there, but I needed her to enjoy every second of this night. ‘for I was set to make it a memorable night. I wanted her to remember this for the rest of her life, and as she glides closer to me, I spread her thighs and lay my tongue on her vagina. My tongue darted all around her clitoris and as the professor came around to pick up the exams, she sat still, said good bye to some folks, and she pretended as if she was going over some of her notes.

By now, we were both alone…the classroom was vacant and it was time to settle this for good. She pulled me from under desk; dropped on her knees and… (end of Part I)

Wrapped her teeth around my zipper and pulled down gently and rapidly, as she was eager to get my creamy feeling. My pulsating manhood popped out of my pants ready to see what was coming as her "Angelina Jolie" looking lips came at his tip. She kisses him hello and part her lips slightly so that she can let him in to her hot, moist deep throated mouth. She backed away slowly leaving my manhood yearning for another open mouth kiss. She stood up slowly and started unbuttoning my shirt. I was curious. She bent over slightly and sucked my right nipple to attention, dang this girl is about to get it, I said deep within. Her warm saliva awaking every sensitive nerve in my body, boy oh boy, li fe m anvi vole.

My mouth watered as I palmed her breasts and bit slightly, them twins smelled nice. She reached over and nibbled on my earlobe because of the building warmth between her thighs. Her "she-nectar" moistened her velvet red thong. Since I had already torn off her pantyhose, I pull off her red thong and place her on top of the professor’s desk. Baby girl looked good, as I lay her there, I admired the body, the pussy, the woman that she is, and then I started exploring every inch, every points, and every corner of her body. My tongue galvanized all the hot spots, and by the time I got to her vagina, it was as if I was in a pool. My natatorial prowess was on full display; Michael Phelps got nothing on me in this competion. I spread labia even more, so that her clit was fully exposed. Soon, my warm breath was fanning her sensitive skin, and then I was drawing it into his mouth, licking softly on it. I teased it with the tip of my tongue, rasping over it again and again.

She’s laying there, begging me to push my head in, asking me to keep on going, her legs in the air as if she was trying to raise the roof, she screamed, I am coming, I could feel she was breathing harder, faster, and her body was motioning towards ejecting some type of liquid, more like fluid, so I pulled back, she did what she had to do, within 2 minutes, she climbed mount Everest, and began her assault. Her skills bogarted me at first, but as I put her in the Chinese position, we were enjoying each other a lot more. There was a lot of passion, a lot of personal intimacy, it was rejoicing. Although at times she seemed superannuated, yet she was eager to please me and make this moment a special one for the both of us. After all, it was the last day of school and being an F1 student, she had to go back to Jacmel the next day.

She asked me if I wanted to use the chair as a prop, my face lit up, I placed her hands on the handle, one leg of the sit, and extend her small buttocks my way. I kissed her vagina from the back and here comes the penis, it got in there very smoothly, it was as if he was the MAN of the house and he was ready to tear off some Jacmellienne pussy. So she started talking shit, she was saying things like, Segnieur papa sove m, Cherie est ce k coco m dous, wap tuye m, and a bunch of other stuff. I mean, I loved the dirty talk because it only made our moment extra special.

By now she’s sitting on the chair and we’re going at it. I could tell she was getting tired, I could tell she has had enough, she turned and said to me, “No more,” as I settle between her thighs, I guided the heavy length of my cock against her pussy. “Please, sir, I don't want...” so I exited her pussy, asked to suck on it as she made sure that I bust at least one nut. She turned her ass around and I sprayed it on her small booty. She wiped me off with her pantyhose, gave me a hug, and asked me to dress her.

As I was putting her clothes back on, I sense that she wanted to say something, I sensed that she wanted more out of this, so I said, baby girl, I will come to Jacmel to see you. All elated, she wrote her info down, I walked her back to the dorms, kissed her good night, and went on my way.

The very last day of school tend to be very emotional, whether you’re in Elementary, Middle, High school or college, someone is always crying. So here I find myself, all alone, thinking about this last day of school with my shawty from Jacmel. A night that I will never forget, a night that is deep ingrained in my memory, a night that no matter where I am at, no matter who I end up being with, it will always be, the best memory of all time. Last day of school…

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Confession

So this is the only place you’re going to read this, I refuse to text, email, or call you to explain this. This entry will be the only one in this blog where I will admit that I miss you. So if you want to know I suggest you come here to read it. Only problem is that you will have to come here to know that my confession can be found here. I don’t know how you'll find out because I am not going to tell you.

So perhaps you'll never know and that’s ok too because when you fuck up I forgive you and I fuck up, well, let’s leave that alone.

I confess that I still have all these feelings for you and it has been tough on me; way harder than I thought it would be. I know you think it hasn’t because I have been so distant and cold. I have tried my best to make you believe that I really don’t care that our friendship is over. Every other time we've ended our friendship I always cried and confessed my sorrow but this time I will keep my sorrow as far away from you as possible. I know this makes you think that I am not feeling any sorrow but if you believe that then you must not know me at all. You make everything so hard to explain and you’re so difficult to deal with and it hurts to know that I cannot open up to you because in your world everything is supposed to be perfect. People cannot make mistakes so therefore, your world I exit, and this time, regardless if I am the most hated, I will at least have my sanity.

You asked me why I acted the way I did when you came back, the truth is, the things you said to me were too cruel to be forgotten. I couldn’t imagine why you said them in the first place and all of a sudden you came back and I am supposed to forget them. Your sorry meant a lot but at the same time, it wasn’t enough. There is no way that I could forgive and move past your words even if they were only said in the heat of passion and anger. Just the simple fact that you would think to fix your lips to express such meanness to me lets me know that our friendship has come to its final resting place. You act like you have nothing to lose and can express yourself at any given time but it cannot be like that. Sometimes it’s hard to take things back especially when you cannot control the effect it can have on the other party. I will mourn its demise and move on, but I will not try to resuscitate or revive that which is terminal. No matter how angry or hurt I would never have said the things you said to me and I would never have used your hidden sorrows to cause you pain. See, I respected you. I felled for you. I made you part of my life. I told you things. I opened up to you. All you wanted to do was come up with stories and reasons as to why we couldn’t be, as to why we shouldn’t be, You took things that I told you in confidence and used them to hurt me on purpose. You wanted to see me in pain. There is no way I can move past that to rekindle this.

I know that you miss me and if you need to call me to express that you can but don’t call me anymore if your only motive is to cause me more distress. Acting like I never care, questioning my every move and motive. You claim to have cared for me but this is the most conditional and repressive feeling I have ever known. You want to care for me on your terms only in your way only on your time only on your say so only. You want to have me to yourself and lock me away for safekeeping and share me with no one and express your feelings to me when it is convenient for you. You want me to show you everything I got, and make you my number one priority and care for you unconditionally and always but you have no intention of giving that back. The truth is that there never was as much wrong with me as you made me think there was except that I so was blindly falling for you that I dropped all notions of rationality and logic and focus and self-dependence. I so wanted you…but you made me see.

This is my final confession. I am not accepting any comments for this one.

Monday, July 21, 2008

What you do 2 a brotha.

Heat burning
Desire spreading
Breath banging
Heart pounding
Voice begging
Knees quaking
Body shaking
Juices flowing
Balls aching
Dick hardening
Horny waiting.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Great News.

My Blog will be featured in Ted Murphy and Peter Wright's new book entitled "Inside the Blogosphere". Don't know when it's coming out but i got the notice today after recent chat with the writers. I'll keep you posted.

1 mois deja

Yo te jen
Yo te gen anpil avni
Yo te vle peyi yo avanse
Yo te goumen anpil pou initier tet yo
Yo te goumen tou pou sa yo kwe
Yo pat janm panse sa ta ka rive
Yo tap swiv yon chemin ki te tou trase
Men helas !
Yon jou nou va konprann pouki.

Monday, July 14, 2008

A community in decay...crying for help!

The Haitian community is going through a lot and I don’t mean the folks in Haiti. Well, while we mustn’t ignore our brothers back in the homeland yet we are facing a lot of things out here in this foreign land. So far this year, over 5,000 of them have been deported and the ones suffering the most are the little ones they have left behind. Especially, the young lads. There is more than meets the eye in reference to our young black boys in "at risk" situations and communities. No excuses for these young men, they all must be held accountable for those irrational, illogical, peer pressured, and many times dumb decisions they make. They must understand the microscope and the pressure it brings as well as the power it can possess if utilized in the correct way. Yet we cannot ignore the fact that many of them, had their parents been here, they would have found themselves in a better situation. A little bit more guidance and parental presence.

I just had a young man "reach out" to me on myspace and all he wanted to do was have someone, preferably a Haitian male listen to him, his story, his demise, his life journey in America without his parents who have been deported since 1998. So when he asked for my number, I obliged and the first few times he called, it went to voicemail, so he wrote me on myspace asking if I am bullshiting him. While I wanted to speak to him yet I had a situation I had to deal with at home. So I didn’t have the strength to take on someone else’s problems but in the end, the kid was so adamant that I had to reach out. So when I called, he had a lot to say; He had even more that he probably wanted to say but didnt know how to get it out of him. He said a lot of things that I understood oh so well, It hasn’t been all that long ago when I was 16 years old myself. And despite things being so different growing up in the 21st century, the life of a young black male still revolves around recognition from doing well in something, acceptance from family and friends, and girls, girls, girls. All subjects were touched on by this young man. His folks were taken out of their home on a Sunday morning, his house got reposed, and he went to live with family members who mentally raped him, abused him, and neglected his needs, so he became a delinquent. Dropped out of school at 12, stole his first car, robbed liquor stores, sold dope, went to juvenile detention, and pretty much lived the life of a vagabond. He did all that and he is yet to reach the age of 17. The young man brought tears to my eyes has he explained his life story. It could have been me, I thought for a moment, had my folks been in that situation, I could have been that young man, who is out there, simply looking for acceptance, he is looking for love, all in the wrong places, yet that’s the life he knows.

I’m glad that he chose to seek me out though. I hope that I provided an extra boost of motivation to continue on his journey. Too many black boys, not enough guidance and wisdom, too many black boys, not enough understanding, encouragement, and patience, too many black boys, not enough time, respect, and love. It’s amazing to me how intelligent these young men actually are once they take off the armor. It really is a war going on. And it is imperative that we get our black boys to understand that the war within is the war worth fighting the most.

I linked up with him the other day and we met with a school counselor, and after he get tested, he should be right back in school in the fall. He turns 17 in December, so I’ll reward him with a trip to Haiti to see his folks if he can maintain a ‘B+’ in his courses. But in the mean time, he’s catching up on his reading (philosophy books), and I hope to get him to volunteer at a community center, just to re-acquaint him with things. Life is crazy ain’t it…just when I thought I had too much on my plate, this kid came a long and helped me deal with a personal situation.

Where's the l.o.v.e.?

It’s been quite a tumultuous month so far but this morning, I feel a bit refreshed. I feel good about how things are... I awake this morning in great spirits. It’s amazing to me how the things that are the most practical produce the most astonishing results. If we only knew how to believe less in outside sources and a lot more in inner strength, peace, and love.

After not having the guts to explain certain things to a particular young lady, I found myself in deep meditation. I reflected on many things that have gone wrong the past 6 months and the many things that will probably go wrong for the next 6. Who am I? Am I defined by the job title given to me by another man's company? Am I those racial expletives that many ignorant people continue to cling to in reference to the color of my skin? Am I truly a no, good, lying, cheating dog as some women choose to exclaim, and generalize due to their past experiences with a man who resembled me? Am I that man? Am I a reflection of the dope man on the corner, the pimp, the thug, and the convict? Am I the American Dream? How must the American Dream be redefined to suit the needs of each individual?

This game of life seems to be a copycat league. It’s funny how my community unites when it comes to the most irrelevant things, for example: fashion, music, partying and bulls*it, etc... But why can’t we unite when it matters most? When it comes to family, community service and safety, relationships/marriage, economics, etc... We tend to drift away.... if only I could come up with some answers. But I am in a good mood though, hoping it last the whole week.

Where's the love? Why do we watch the hate?

ML² I miss you shawty. Holla @ your boi.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Meeting with this R&B chick

So I run into this R&B chick, dark complexion, sexy ass lips, had the shape of Ms Lathan but she’s far more cuter. When she saw from behind, I could tell she was wondering if it’s really him, she had seen my face before, never in person, but as usual she would swing by MySpace to invade my space, because she thought I was someone she run to or bring over her space. So we hugged and chatted after a multitude of questions which started with, “is it really you?” and ended, “when do I see you again?”.

This chick wasn’t your typical chick, she was a true fanm, voiced her opinion and kept conversation flowing, I mean, I was game, I was all up into her not because I knew or felt she was into but I was deeply deep in the game. So into her, for those who may confuse game with game. So we talked a little bit, got upset a little, then danced a bit more, exchanged a kiss to see what’s really good. So we both was into it, she liked my kissing game and I liked hers, so we did a bit on tongue wag, and went at like some wrestlers.

In the midst of all that, we figured we’ll catch on the likes and dislikes, the favorite movies to the political crap, and we came out with this: She wanted me to deliver her from Eva, her oldest sister, and Hitch our way in holy matrimony, but then I had to run it by my Four Brothers who from afar were being so Unfaithful, so we decided to stroll over to them, boy, it was surely The Longest Yard, I’ve ever had to walk. When we got to them they were talking about Love and Basketball and how their Girlfriends were so not into sports, but they could cook up a Soul Food and Wild Out whenever their boyfriends would dub a chick as America’s next top Model.

So we left the park, main dans la main, and jetted straight to the…


I guess when it’s your time to go, it’s JUST your time to go. Rev Wright, his wife and his grandson were coming back from a conference and the Lord decided to take 2 of them. It surely makes you wonder about your state of mind and where you’re at with Him. I mean, they were coming from church and this happened to them yet nothing happened to the robbers who got away that night, the little pedophile who violated that child, that dude who killed that old lady on her block, or even that dude who raped his own sister. I am not claiming that Rev Wright wasn’t a sinner but dang, his wife of 37 years was taken all because some fool decided to drive the wrong freaking way….I run into someone this weekend and her friends her telling her not to drink and her drive, her response was, ‘ I drink and then I drive’. Foolish ain’t it…

Just had to let this one out…

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Dream

Thoughts of you invade me on a nightly basis. At times, the images seem so vivid that I can barely convince myself that you were an apparition. My hommies call it a figment of my imagination. I choose to call it a repressed desire, better yet, a dream.

My thoughts are somewhat conflicted so forgive me if I seem harsh or aggressive. It’s not you, it’s me.

We have gone over this a trillion times before, I don’t want you, I know you want me back but the feelings will never be reciprocated. I’ve had my share of neglect and rejections, so I know how you must be feelings, but then again, you brought this on yourself. You’re the caused of your own downfall.

You requested the out, which you happily took, so in return I just need you to leave then and leave me alone while you’re at it. Do not act as if I am behind all this as if it was my idea from the jump. Maybe you expected me to fight harder but then again why fight for something that is supposedly genuine? You shrugged off your shoulders and left as if it was the news of the year. So I need you to take that news and run with it.

Don’t be calling me with your problems, who told you I was Dr. Phil? If you need help just dial 9-1-1; I know you think that I chose her over you. It wasn’t the case at all. You presented an opportunity; I analyzed, strategized, and dealt with it. Now why all the fuss?

Why would I want to holla back?

Just stay out of my nightly thoughts. How else am I supposed to get this money for the toydrive tour?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pissing me off people

If you’re not ready to read this rant, just go back to whatever you were doing because this one has gotten me very upset. Let me start out by saying these:

1) No one is perfect.
2) Everyone has some kind of secret (lie), something personal about themself that keep hidden from the world (lie), and
3) Everyone LIES!

I'm 27 years old and I'm still learning the lessons, I'm still trying to figure it out, I'm still trying to make sense of it all but I think I keep it real 99% of the times…


I go to my office the other day and I hear something about a coworker that made me want to throw up! The bad part is this is the second time. For the purpose of this entry, I’ll call her H.

H isn’t a bit more saved than me, but this is the same woman who is debating and trying to preach the bible to everybody in the company. The woman always got something to say; and I mean, ALWAYS. Let me stick in here she’s not married. She and I don’t talk anymore because I've ALWAYS seen pass her veil of shadyness and I stopped talking to her a long time ago, but before we stopped talking she preached to me about this guy she met and how he was a child molester but she forgave him because God told her to and as time revealed she did become involved with this guy. But every guy this woman links up with, it’s always for a very short period of time.

Well how come this same, single, unmarried so-called woman of God is pregnant....again!!?!???!

Like I said at the beginning: No one is perfect. But how can she go around preaching and telling everyone how to do something and what not to do and yet she’s having UNPROTECTED sex and she’s not even married! (Hypocrisy)

Like I said: Everyone is hiding something; She hides the fact that she’s sleeping with a child molester but damn! Use a condom at least!

Like I said: Everyone Lies. Her secret/lie is that she’s a lesbian. It’s not so much a lie as it is a secret however. As I've made evident, people’s personal lives are a major topic in my company. But damn, she isn’t lying to anyone but herself so what’s the point of all those sermons!

Now I'll explain why that makes me so mad.

I remember when I lived at home and my grandma(RIP) would come to visit, we couldn’t get her to go to church with us because she didn’t trust church people. The problem is, she hung around the people who claimed to be of God, but were still sinning. They were, in their terms "Not perfect and still subject to mistakes." So thanks to those people, (AND the demon residing in my grandma soul), the woman just wouldn’t go to church. So H makes me mad because she’s just like these people who go around preaching go to God, go to God, and yet when you turn your back on them their no different/no better then anyone else. People look to her as an example and THIS is the example she sets. And also those people are the same ones questioning every little thing that you do and I hate that with a passion.

Like I said I've always known about her. So I shouldn’t be surprised but Goddanm, this is the second time this heffa got knocked up. She needs something to permanently keep her legs close until she find a husband because the minute she spreads her legs, she gets pregnant.

And this entry is for you and YOU. Stop preaching to me when I know you ain’t righteous. If you’re a Christian and you want to bone, go right ahead and bone. But don’t be telling none Christians they can’t bone because it’s ugly in the Lord’s eye.

Live and learn. That’s my motto. Truthfully, what’s yours? You fake ass Christian.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

I met this blonde

so my car got towed while I went into this bar for a drink(don’t ask me to explain this one because the towing company couldn’t either); so I figured I’d just catch a cab and pick up my car the next day. While I was complaining to the bartender, this blond offered to drop me off and being that I was in a friendly mood, I said, "yes, why not!

So I got in her brand new BMW and the whole ride this chick was doing two things: smiling and talking. So here are her stats…

_she's a single mother with two children
_she lives with a guy who is paying child-support for his one child.
_they lived together for 4 years
_they split the financial expenses (monthly bills around $7,500)
_they're more like room-mates than lovers
_she's not on birth control
_he's not practicing birth control (riding bare back)
_she's being paid $82,000 a year and worked there for over a year.
_she wants a raise but too afraid to ask

and all I did was to sit there and out the car, thanked her for the ride and gave her a Shakaitutu business card…and she offered me a …

Anywho, that’s too much details for y’all. lol

I am sadden by my home girl’s separation

A buddy of mine got married about a year ago just to come home from college to find out her marriage is over. She just wants to leave and return to college. I know she's hurt but she doesn’t want to talk about it.

As a good friend, I try to explain to her both side of the equation but she has already made up her mind. She’s attending grad school in California (paid in full) and he's in a lucrative construction job that travels across the Western USA. She refuses to give up her opportunity at the USC and he won’t give up his 6,000/month salary with his construction job. I don’t blame either one for not giving into the other because they’re both in a great situation. It just pains me that they didn’t discuss this before they tie the knot.

I knew this would be a problem because they both have worked so hard for the opportunity they have been given and every time i would bring it up, they would just dismiss it as if it wouldn't be a problem. I know their parents especially the mothers, they didn't see it coming. I hate when people are so obsess with fantasy and completely blow off reality. Now reality is hitting both these young people like a ton of bricks. It's just tough to see as a friend because i was in that situation before i broke off my engagement...

What would you do?

Friday, June 27, 2008


I have been in a real touchy mood for the past two weeks. It just feels like I have not been at the place I was before, and that just makes me even more frustrated. Since my birthday celebration, I have been making some changes; I decided to go back to the root of things and try to understand why I allowed certain mishaps to take place; in other words, I am making changes and while I like the new changes, some of my closest pals are having a hard time with it. Now, I hope you don’t misconstrue this opening paragraph thinking that I am about to alter my lifestyle, my means of communication, my flirtatious ways and my bravado, that won’t change dear. But I tell you this, I’ve become a lot stricter and bolder, a lot busier because I don’t feel like sharing my free time with people who question my abilities, my character and my level of understanding (maturity). I don’t know if I’m PMS'ing or what, but I need this touchy feeling to freaking stop.

So I was talking to someone the other day and this woman just blasted my character. I mean, I so wanted to respond but giving that I was in a good mood, I just ignored everything. She has apologized since but deep within I don’t give her a danm about that. I have never cared too much about apologies because we mean everything we say. You can blame it on whatever the hell you want, yet it doesn’t change the fact that you said it. Fuck heat of the moment, fuck past mishaps, if you said it, you musta meant it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Socialized education system

My oldest brother called me and we were talking my nephew Elijah and his new found fame. He’s a young soccer player in Rochester and he’s being scouted by a boarding school in Europe and given I have been through that experience before, he wanted to pick my brain and see if he should let the young boy go away. Personally, I am all for it but then again he’s only 11 and not too long ago I had an argument with my brother on how he’s raising this boy. You can call me crazy but I have seen many signs on insanity. Why do we continue to subject our children to socialized education while we have seen it fail in front of our eyes?

Hear me out for a little bit, if we look at the black operations which have been carried out by the CIA, my conclusion is that government is run by free masons and crooks. But these are the same crooks who are demanding that we turn our kids over to them so they can educate them for us. I don’t want to lose you, so I am going to break it down for you.

What is wrong with society and the human race, if your local drug dealer took an interest in your kids, you would not only raise your voice, you would call the police and warn them that if you see this individual talking to your child, you’re going to kill him so why is it that when the government do the same thing, we act like Stevie. Personally, nothing good can come out of letting the streets bring up your children. Forget street creds, my kid needs college credits so he/she could graduate and become a law biding citizen.

Answer me this, would you allow a woman in a bikini enter your house and gyrate provocatively in your living room? I bet most of y’all are saying, heck no, but when it’s MTV or BET, you don’t mind, do you?

Well, let us be practical, how can we improve our children education prospects? The socialized education system is known to bore children because they cannot pursue their interests because they learn what adult and big brother wants them to learn.

So like I told my brother, yes Elijah is very talented but I am against him going over to Europe at a young age because he will buy into the system and that will doom him for the rest of his life. He’s a fragile young boy who thinks that he is the next hot shot, not that I disagree with his state of mind, I just would like to be a bit more practical.

One question for y'all

I tend to get myself in trouble with women sometimes with some of the stuff that I say; at times my reaction depends on how the other party responds. So not too long ago I was chatting with this individual and I said to her, if you’re not ready to get this thing poppin’, it’s best that you not get to know me because to know me is want and love me.

This individual got some upset and call me a bunch of stuff that had I not been who I am, I would have responded. So to you my readers, what is wrong with the statement that I made? Truth be told, I wasn’t even that serious because to me it’s just me being me but then again…any who, drop your thoughts and please don’t worry about upsetting me with your answers.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Let them be

There are so many kids in our community with enormous talents yet because their parents were so strict these kids ended up wasting this special gift. I am just so happy that many in this Rap Kreyol game are such rebels; some of the things that come out of these kids mouth are simply thought-provoking and even though these guys have never taken a college philosophy course yet they are philosophers, street poets, deep thinkers, and most of all, professors. Some of the fans hang on to every word from these rappers or poets and use their lyrics as a guide. It’s really astonishing how someone can live his/her life base on just one song. It happens. Ask these kids who were set to jump off a cliff as they mourn the passing of these great rappers. It’s as if they had lost their dearest mentor and life they could live no more. To them, there’s simply no reason to go on, there isn’t anything left for them on this planet. I wish i could reach out to them and let them know that life goes on and that we all have to die at some point yet the lessons never stop. You just gotta find new motivation and a new mentor, or maybe they have now been graduated and should be able to live on their own and carry with them the messages that these great mentors had passed on.

“Back then they didn’t know me, now that I am gone, they’re all on me”’s crazy how we seldom value the talent of the youth. It’s fascinating to me how foreigners will applaud an animal that can do special tricks yet my own culture is lacking so far behind that sometimes you wish you didn’t belong to that utopia. We are governed differently; we live differently, we think differently, and surely die differently. It is amazing how many parents are ready to find talent in their kids whether or not it exists. I wish my community was like that; while education is very important yet there’s more to life than being a doctor, lawyer, engineer, nurse, teacher, or preacher. What happens to the other professions? We live in a complex world, with complex individuals, I think it’s time that our community embrace and let the kids be. Thank God my folks allowed me to just be me, even if it wasn’t what they truly wanted, yet they cared enough about my likes and dislikes.

Height over character

Since I can’t seem to get my mind right today, i am going to blog about something that have plagued men throughout its existence. It’s height. Lol. For some reason women like height in men, I know plenty of females who would not even look at any man who was below six feet tall. I think its stupid to choose a life partner based on height but then again everyone is entitled to their preference regardless of how maddening their criteria is.

So one of my guys who is 5’9 asked this woman who was about 5’6 out, and she turned him down. She told one of our mutual friends that despite my boy’s exceptional traits and despite the fact that she thinks he’s awesome, she couldn’t see past his height. Now right after she turned him down, maybe a week later, she hooked up with this British lad who was about 6’4. Now i don’t think my boy mind the fact that she was interested in someone taller, but this dude treated her like crap, she had his baby and he walked out on her. To be honest with you, i don’t feel bad for her at all. I laugh every time she complains to one of my home girls. This woman chose height over character, and that is laughable to me. I feel sorry for her child because he’s going to suffer because his mom is another dumb black sister who prioritized the wrong things. Call me mean but i think people need to inject more thoughts in how life partners are chosen.

I know a lot of female who pretend like they know exactly what they’re looking for in a man but every time they meet that individual who meet their standards (criterion), they end up breaking up. And these females keep on dating the same individuals, I personally find that very stupid and immature. I just think that people need to change or update their standards as they progress through life’s journey. Things change and maybe your standards need to because if every guy you meet end up hurting you well then maybe something is wrong with you.

Here are some dumb criterion: height, cheve siwo, skin complexion, family history, status, and titles.

Dumb folks man.

ps: this doesn't only apply to women

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Rest in Peace to my dudes.

Speechless cannot describe how I am feeling right now; these guys had just started to reap the benefits of their craft and all of a sudden, it is all taken away. I know many of you do not know much about the rap Kreyol movement but I want you to know that Barikad Crew is household name in Haiti, not only amongst the youth, but throughout the whole country. Last night after they had performed at a night club and on their way to close a show with DJakout mizik, one of their vehicle fell into a ditch and exploded. 5 people lost their lives including 3 group members. This is very sad because these guys had just started to make some money in this movement and it’s ashamed that they’re taken away at such a young age. These guys were street poets, their philosophical skills reminded me of some of the great writers of the 20th century, and their stage presence and bravado was much appreciated by everyone they came in contact with. Just a couple of weeks ago, we were chillin with these guys and they showed us so much love and respect. The way this thing happens, I’ve only seen it in movies, because things like that shouldn’t happen in real life. I cannot put into words the state of the movement at this very moment, everyone that I’ve spoken to are taken aback.

A fan from myspace sent me his number, he has never met Barikad Crew, he simly purchased their cds and listen to their albums, and he told me that their words mean so much to him. Here is a guy well in his 30’s, crying on the phone like a little baby. It brought tears to my eyes. The power of this movement is immense, I know there are some negative things in it, yet it is empowering.

Rest in Peace to my dudes K-tafal, Dade, and DajaVoo. Much luv to all the BC supporters and to the whole rap Kreyol family. My condolensces to these guys family, kids, wives, and those who love them.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Haitians @ Parties

So I was invited to this party the other, so as usual, I got my Shakaitutu crew with me. So we rolled in there, went straight to the bar and chilled for a good hour. We laughed, drink, and checked out some of the ladies who were in attendance. While a lot of them should have stayed at home that night yet there were a couple of hotties. My crew and I don’t mind asking a girl to dance but we gotta feel the music. Personally, I don’t jump on the dance floor till I’ve had at least two drinks.

So there were four decent looking sisters and because they felt like the guys weren’t going to ask them to dance, they got up and proceeded to the exit door, but on their way out this dude stopped them and begged them to stay, so he bought them some drinks and the ladies stayed in there. Now, a Nu-Look song came up and homeboi wanted to dance, so he grabbed one of the ladies and you could tell she was in no mood to dance with this dude; so she gave him some type of excuse and he’s on the side line feeling like crap. Me and my dudes who have witnessed all this started cracking up because this dude done spent his weekly allowance on 4 chicks who don’t even want to be there let alone spend 4 minutes on the dance floor with him…well, make it 10 minutes, you know how these Kompa dudes do it.

Now across the room were a bunch of hot heads, they were complaining about the dudes posting up and not dancing; my thing with that is, some dudes really just go to the club to have a good time and then head home to their wife and kids. And they have no alternate motives when they ask someone to dance. A lot of these chicks be sitting there, looking all mean and disgusted when someone dare ask them to dance. I mean, you want people to ask you to dance yet you’re not giving off that vibe. I bet if many of them were to be a bit friendlier then it would make their social life a lot better.

I personally don’t go to the club to find chicks, that’s why you can find me at the bar chilling and bopping to a couple of tracks. I go to parties for business purposes, so I am not looking to dance unless it’s one of my favorite tracks. It’s not like I am stuck up or anything, I just do not care to dance much. But on a good night though, no one can remove me from the dance floor. I guess, if the girls are looking right, and the timing is right, you best believe things will be poppin’.

So to all my Haitian ladies who are wondering why Haitian men do not care to ask them to dance, it’s all in your facial expression. Relax a bit and I suggest you have at least one drink before you jump on the dance floor. Have fun and keep in mind that music is life. You didn’t leave your house to go sit somewhere with a mean look on your face.

If you catch me at the lollipop party tonight, come on over and say hello. And please look sharp cuz you already know how I do.

Have a good weekend folks.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

my bad

While many appreciate my uncanny ways of expressing myself yet i suppose this morning's entry was out of line. I allowed a personal matter to get through to me and leashed out at the individuals involved. I apologize for the tirade.


ps: thanks for the heads up big bro.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My thoughts on a lot of shit

So its hot as hell up north and people are yapping about the heat wave but then again wasn’t it those same folks who were complaining about the snow and how they couldn’t wait for summer time? In any event, it sucks to be y’all.

So I got some folks hating on me huh, well, like my man say, “I got Summer hating on me cause I'm hotter than the sun, Got Spring hating on me cause I ain't never sprung, Winter hating on me cause I'm colder than ya'll, And I would never, I would never, I would never Fall. I'm being hated on by the seasons, So f**k ya'll who hating for no reason!” The P man is chillin and all those haters can blow something before I get really upset, tu piges!

I was reading this article about this woman from Oklahoma and this dude from Nevada, the dumb chick thought she could buy the dude’s love by buying him expensive stuff and sending him money to take care of some legal issues, so when all hell break loose (she found out that this dude wasn’t interested in her at all), this heffa is acting like she let the dude borrow the money she had sent him. Little did this heffa know, homeboi saved all the text messages and all the e-mails where she said she would send him stuff and they were out of kindness; I hate april babies man, they’re so foolish.

So The Perfect Execution is done and as of september the script will be ready to go. So to all you movie makers out there, I will let it go for 6 figures, so go sell all your cattles in Haiti so you can get this hot script. Maybe in 2010 I will hear these words, “ and the Oscar for best script writing goes to…”. Lol. No Dom, I won’t be taking you luv, you have to watch on tv like everybody else. Lol

Women sometimes can be very stupid. They pretend like they know what they want when in fact, they’re as clueless as the sanatorium dude screaming his ass off thinking he is Iraq bout to rip off Ben Ladin’s head off. In any event, I think people need to stop acting up and get their freaking minds right. They think they’re ready to play with the big boys when really they’re a whole bunch of pussycats that have no freaking idea how this world work. You have no clue ladies, get the f out of here with that bull.

So the toydrive is progressing well, we just passed the 10% mark, but you know it’s very funny how your ass is here reading this shit yet you haven’t donated one single penny to this tour. I only asked of you to skip one meal, it cost less than 5 dollars to get a single toy yet your ass is still complaining.

I hate mofos who keep on complaining about Haitian organizations who aren’t doing anything with the money they collect from these fundrasings on behalf of Haiti yet expect people to contribute their hard earned dollars? The thing is, some mofo messed it up a long time ago for everyone else so that’s why we decided to go thorough first giving with out fundrasing, we wanted the irs to know exactly how much was brought in from this fundraiser so that we are not held accountable for anything. Lord knows our hearts are in the right place, fuck those who don’t believe in giving back. This toydrive tour will be a success and I am sure your ass will be the first to post a freaking comment on my blog about the pictures and the videos, that’s when I will reject that ish.

So I have had some folks hit me up and said yo Blake, I love your blog, is it possible you can ghost write for me on my blog. Well, folks, I don’t ghost write anymore, this blog is straight up from the heart. This ish here cannot be duplicated, I am irreplaceable, mentally, you cannot get to my level, you would need a space shuttle or a ladder that goes on forever if you think you can catch up with me, there’ll never be one like me, better yet there ain’t never been one like me, how can you upgrade something that’s un-upgradable? Lol.

Too much going on this week folks, so these are my thoughts for now… don’t forget to check out the link and send in your little contribution.