My Blog...Mi Casa...Su Casa

I am the first and last of my kind....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Married men...single chicks...let's talk

Alright folks, so I have decided to get to my daily blog. To be honest with you, in what direction this will go but for the sake of blogging I will just let things be. If you want me to blog about something, feel free to post it and I’ll be sure to write about it and get others to post their views. Keep in mind that this is only to stimulate intellectual discussions and not something you should take to heart. All opinions express here are for discussion purposes only and please keep all your negative thoughts to yourself and not to me or to those commenting in this blog.

I am going to re-start my blog with something fairly simple; a very simple question which I think many of us have discussed with our friends, comrades, associates etc. If a single woman knowingly has a relationship with a married man and ultimately has a child by that man, is it fair to categorize her as a whore or someone who’s emotionally and mentally unbalanced or even someone with low self esteem.

Now, maybe calling her a whore might be a bit too much but in truth how can someone have an affair/relationship with a married person and carry on a pregnancy knowing damn well this person is married? I know this type of situation happens every day and probably one of you reading this blog may have been through it before but that doesn’t make it right. I don’t think anything response could justify the act.

One thing we have to keep in mind as human beings, we can’t help who we are attracted to but we can control the outcome of situations we are faced in; especially when the end result is detrimental to not only ourselves but our close friends as well as family members.

Lets logically put this in perspective; a relationship with a married man will certainly give you a few thrilling moments especially at the beginning of that relationship but what happens when you’re pregnant and he can’t be with you in the middle of the night? What happens when your ride to die friends can’t back you up on this one? Is it worth it to lose your dignity over a few months of GOOD passionate sex? Is it ok to lose your friends and family members for things that clearly you had control over? But then again, it may all be worth it to you.

My thing is us dudes are always looking for a thrill. And sometimes when we get tired of the same monotonous routine we seek a quick, non committal relationship with someone, that’s how its always been with men and sadly it will never change. I am no better than my peers just stating facts. so instead of wasting time on a married men, I would have to advise you to go on and find you a single dude and pop all the babies that you want.

But to be honest with you, I don’t know what sort of demons you’re battling in your personal life so my personal opinion shouldn’t be taken all that serious but then again you may just be a heffa with her head screwed on backwards. Either way you look at it, one of us is right. Just know that when people are talking behind your back, calling you names and you’re facing the abandonment from your close friends and family members, you only have yourself to blame for you chose to act on your feelings. So what happens when this kid is born and he’s nowhere to be found and he doesn’t want to claim this bastard child of yours? What happens then…you’re left struggling on your own and adding to the already absurd statistic plaguing the African American community.

So before you lay on that bed or sofa or car or kitchen table or floor, make sure you think twice about it…otherwise get ready to be ridiculed.

Please drop your thoughts and let’s keep it civilized folks.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Black on Black Crime...Where are our leaders?

With the tragic passing of former Olympic and boxing champ Vernon Forest, I feel a bit compelled to blog about this and drop my two cents on this issue. I know many people would say that Vernon was just at the wrong place at the wrong time; or maybe one would question his reasons for chasing after the guys who attempted to carjack him. Regardless of your opinion of this, it still doesn’t change the fact a kid has a lost his father, a wife has lost a husband, a family has lost a son, a cousin, an uncle and the black community has lost a great humanitarian.

So when is Black on Black crime going to stop? Will it ever end? As a kid growing up in DC, I heard it plenty of times when people would talk about racism and how it affects us. But what I have noticed in my adult years is that black people's biggest war is not racism, its ghetto low life black men who wonder around the streets looking for trouble. They usually target hard working black men who have done something with their lives. Unfortunately the hard working black man is also target by police because of the low life ghetto hood rat people that call themselves black. They might look like us but they are not us at all. Unfortunately these low life ghetto hood rat people are spreading their disease all over. We should try to stop the disease from spreading and eliminate them once and for all.

Now, I know many of you who have followed this on the news are questioning his motives for having a gun and while I am not sure if it was registered or not yet he felt that it was important for him to pull it out and chase these goons. As easy as it is to fault Forrest for having a gun himself, I can't blame him. It's so unfortunate that a man has to resort to carrying a weapon to protect himself from things like this. Whether Forrest had that gun or not, they would've shot him anyway. Appreciation for the successes of your fellow man regardless of color has long since died. It's hatred, spite, jealousy that motivates those to bring down people who have achieved. We live in the "BET Generation" where all that is stereotypical & negative about black people is glorified in the various forms of media (TV, music, print). It's kill or be killed, hustle this, take that and so on. These are the words, images we see over & over and a good portion of the young black community is accepting it as the way life should be. Protecting yourself like this is commonplace now as a result.

So where is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson right now? They are so quick to jump in front of a camera when Blacks may have been wronged by Whites. But where are they when it is Black on Black Crime?

Too many innocent lives have been lost because some petty criminals think a human life is less valuable than the possessions they forcibly try to take from them. I know Vernon meant a lot to a lot of people especially those involved with his Destiny's Child Organization. Hope they don't let his memory fade in his passing because in doing do, those scums win...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Gotta Boot this heffa

I've got ther female friend who is SO negative! Sometimes, I can't stand to talk to her. She's 41 years old, has made a mess of her life, is divorced, and has f*cked up relationships with her siblings and children, and health problems from drinking and drugs from when she was younger. So, now, she's paying the price for it.

...smh....I don't think I can continue to communicate with Her.

Why do NEEDY people always gravitate to me?! I AM NOT A SOCIAL WORKER OR PSYCHOLOGIST!

Plus, she has pissed me off by hanging up on me when she doesn't like what I tell Her....What it is that I don't tell her WHAT SHE WANTS TO SHEAR! She has a history of doing that...She'll hang up on me. Then, wait several weeks before calling me again, and she'll act like NOTHING EVER HAPPENED. She won't even MENTION her hanging up on me...Just move right along.....

Earlier in the week, she asked me if I thought she was a "drunk." I told her that I think she's a functional alcoholic, and she got mad, cussed me, and hung-up. ---I did not call her back....Thursday, she called me and left a message. I did not call Her back.....Friday was her birthday, and I must admit, I had my ass on my shoulder cuz she cussed me and hung-up on me, but I couldn't be THAT mean(and those of y’all who personally know me, y’all know I can be a mean son of a bitch).---She's told me that I'm practically the only "friend" she's got..... So, I called the heffa to tell her, "Happy Birthday." (AT 11:55 pm) But, I got it in before midnight.


Her: P, what's up?
Me: Nothing. I just called to say "Happy Birthday."
Her: Thanks......I called you yesterday and left you a message.
Me: Yeah.
Her: But you didn't call me back.
Me: No.
Her: So, I guess you're aware of that, huh?
Me: Yeah.
Her: So, what's up?
Me: Nothing. I just called to wish you a Happy Birthday before it was over....SO, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and have a good night.
Her: Good night.

this heffa got "issues." And, what is even sadder is that she's 41 years old with no direction in her life.

I think I am gonna give her the boot. Can’t stand idiotic folks.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Been thinking of you...
hope you know i am not mad you
what happened was an honest mistake
and i don't have the rights to be upset

I miss you dearly...

152 is still on...

Sunday, March 29, 2009


The best way to start this off is to think back to my main man Descartes and I know many of you have heard of this before “I think, therefore, I am”. So what is the purpose to anything in life? When I asked my mother she said, ‘know, love and serve God”. Sounds simple doesn’t it. Well, I am sure it is not that simple, simply because in order to delve into these things you must uncover the different layers.

I am at the point in my life where my focus is at an all time high. I mean, I didn’t just wake up one day and had everything clicking. It’s just that over the past few years I have grown mentally and that has allowed me to deal with a lot of things. As my two lady friends would tell you, I have been through a lot and I know for a fact that many dudes would have caved in by now. But I haven’t reached my full potential yet so I won’t leave this game of life alone just yet. God has always had a plan and he has always come through for me. So the belief that he won’t let me down has always kept me focus on the bigger prize.

The purpose of life is very confused these days. Money has taken top priority in everyday American life. What many of us have failed to realize is that success is not defined by financial status. There’s a lot more that goes into it. But like many other things in life, this question is personal and it changes from one individual to another. My purpose in life isn’t and will never be the person i am dating or the people i hang out with, etc. I think most people who ask someone else about the “purpose” of something, are either looking to share an opinion they already have about what that purpose is, or else are trying to discover how they might fit with, or find an answer to, a situation that has confused or hurt them, or both. I think many, if not most folks, who face such uncertainty or pain hope there are “answers” that might resolve their dilemma. Unfortunately, such answers are rarely found from others but can only be found from what makes sense to the individual.
One thing we must always keep in mind though, everything has a purpose. Every person, place, thing, idea and emotion has a purpose. The purpose of asking “What’s the purpose to anything in life” is to question whether or not everything has a purpose in life. We all know a hammer has a purpose, but can we apply the same two-plus-two logic to everything?

What is your purpose? Hope you can take some time to ask yourself that question. It surely will help you with your thought process.

ps: if you're one of those who take everything so literal, please get the fuck off my blog.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Live life to death

Who reading this is ready for death? Not saying that you want to die, but if it were to happen, do you feel that you have done enough in life to warrant a positive afterlife experience?

Of course my after life is different from yours, but no matter what you believe, most post death beliefs revolve around what we do well we are living.

To say “I’m ready for death,” signals three things to me, anyway. One, you know there’s an expiration date coming up fairly soon with your name written in big, bold letters all across it, and there’s nothing you can do to change your fate.

Two, you’re at the end of your life. You’ve lived it the best way you knew how, and played the cards you were dealt. You’ve accepted there were things you could’ve changed, and have also accepted the fact that some things you just couldn’t.

Last…’ve thrown in the towel. Completely given up; might as well call it suicide for cowards.

We really aren’t supposed to know when we’re going to die, so we can’t prepare for it. It’s the beauty of life. The reward is living itself, and sometimes it doesn’t all hinge on how well we perform.

Why prepare yourself for unknown chapters you don’t have a hand in, when you are the captain charting your own course right now?

Maybe there really is a heaven with million dollar questions to open those pearly gates, and maybe there is a hell fiery hot, burning with eternal damnation.

All I know is that no one living has ever came back and gave a firsthand account of either one.

Prepare to live. Doing that should be of the utmost importance, urgency, and final resignation. Resign yourself to L-I-F-E. Something you know how to do, and don’t mind creating. Life isn’t something that’s limited to either this or that. It comes in many different forms, each with its own needs, joys, pains, beauty and rewards.

Can you say that about death?

I'll never be prepared to die. Especially when I know it won't be on my own terms.

705 Queens Village

My whole flight to Lakeland was filled with my nervous and horny energy. I couldn't wait to see Maxine for the first time, to touch her, taste her, hold her in my arms, and palm her ass like she asked me to countless times in our conversations. I had never met a woman so free sexually, and I mean this girl was just a straight freak-a-leek but in the best way. Any and every position, loved to get her kitty licked, and was not ashamed about sucking the lollipop. From what we chatted about for 3 months, she was aggressive but knew when to tame down, and let daddy run the show.... She wanted to do it on her balcony butt ball ass naked not caring if anyone saw us, in her car, on top and inside. Wanted me to throw her up against the wall and take the nanny, even eat fruit out of her, wow, wow.

When my plane touched down at the airport and I stood up my dick was hard as ish. Then when I called her to tell I was here it sounded like she had already started fiddling with her monkey, oh yeah, I was about to hit this ass like a home run in the ninth inning. I couldn't get my luggage quick enough, couldn't flail down a cab fast enough, couldn't make it to 705 Queens Village enough. Once in the cab, my head went back against the seat as I closed my eyes and imagined what my little Southern peach had in store for papi. With her, I just don't know, she may be butt ass naked, may have dressed up in that teacher outfit I told her I wanna see her in, or whatever. All I knew that is was on like donkey kong, and as long as I was inside of her sweet walls, or mouth I'd be cool. Although Ms. Santanna was etched in my mind I took a little time to check my surroundings, no lie, this place was beautiful. Clean, crisp air, beautiful green grass, and warm weather. It couldn't touch DC, but hey, it could come second place. Still my thoughts went back to my baby. Beauty at its highest decree standing deep caramel candy color, 5”9, dark brown tresses covering her head stopping just at her shoulders almond shaped brown pensive eyes that from the pictures she sent me could stare in to a f-ng soul, stupid sexy lips, not too big or small but in the middle and pouty. Nice, and full titties that were perky and firm to sight and touch, and the biggest nipples I've eva seen period...large chocolate pebbles aiming at my eyes yearning to be licked, sucked, and gently bit. A beautiful tall ass sista, just how I like em, curvy middle with hips and curves that'll have you mesmerized, and an ass that won't quick. Plump, phat, blemish free (lol), and juicy, can't wait to get my hands on it, wanna massage it and see if it feels as soft as it looks. I know its gon look even better when I see it go back and forth on my dick...woo whee!

Now from what I've seen her ish is nice and juicy but I won't go in to detail so soon cause yall viewers might just bust in ya pants. Neways, thick thighs that I've dreamt being in between and having wrapped around my body, beautiful sexy you can frame em on ya wall. Her feet is what intrigue me cause they're damn near perfect...dawning a tattoo with a dripping strawberry that looks so real, and ten pretty toes, no corns, no hammer time. Oh hell yea, daddy's home mami, what you got fa me? The cabby's timing couldn't have been more perfect when he broke my trance with, “We here, and that'll be $43.74.” “$43 what! Whatevea dude, here.” I dished out my fare, got my bag and walked up the stairs to apartment 705. Once at her door beads of sweat began to form on my forehead, “C'mon B, this is what you been waiting on for 3 months, stop acting like a bitch.” I turned the knob and opened the door, once I was in her sanctuary my eyes bulged outta my head as she sat up on a counter, one hand in between her legs smiling at me. Lord, thank you.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A thought.

We can aspire to anything, but we don’t get it just because we want it. I would rather spend my life close to the birds than waste it wishing I had wings.

Almost dying changes nothing. Dying changes everything.

What are your thoughts on this thought? lol

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What’s in a number?

What is a number? One quick answer would be, a mathematical object used in counting and measuring. So if that definition stands correctly then, why do we put so much emphasis on it?

Imagine you’re at a park and you meet a beautiful woman; you strike a conversation with her and later exchange numbers. On your first date, she tells you that she’s a Christian and has been saving her goodies for her husband. Now, I know how us dudes mind work. That statement is a killer; it’s a party-pooper, no guy wants to hear those words, especially when you’ve done analyzed it in your head that at some point within the first 3 dates, you’re going to score.

So from this point forth, your mindset is different. You’re not sure if you want to see her again or not. You’re unsure of the direction in which you want this relationship to progress. Yes, you’re attracted to her, and by now, you’ve gotten past being with the virgin stage, but you don’t want to commit to this person only to break things off after a couple months, maybe a year max, and the worst part, you fail to score. So you decide to go on a second date and on this date, the topic of your sexual experience comes up. You, being the egotistical macho that you are, decides to share the number of women you have bed, and this time you are the one feeling lousy.

The thing is, a lot of guys share this number (at times) because they want to show their weight when really it could be the most devastating news you ever share with someone. Sometimes, a guy would decide to lie about it, so he would choose a number that he feels is comfortable, and in the end, she ends up looking at you like a fool.

So really, what’s in a number? Is it that important? Should the many women or men you have been with come into discussion when dealing with a new mate? How much of an issue is it, if this number is a lot more than he or she anticipated? What’s the cutoff point? What is a good number for a man or a woman? Is there a number for guys and one for women? Does it matter how many people your mate has slept with?

Say for instance, a 28 year old woman has been with 3 guys. What does it prove? She may have recently started to have sex and in a span of 3 weeks had sex with 3 guys? Should her character be questioned?

See, I asked a friend of mine this very same question earlier today and here’s her response, “Most modern women would have had more than 3 sexual partners before they are 30. In today’s society, it is rare to find a woman approaching her 30’s who hasn’t slept with close to 10 guys or more.”

I was satisfied with this response because if us guys are expecting to sleep with more than 10 women by the time we’re 18, than why not the woman? Why the double standard?

So really, what’s in a number? When you put all your baggage on the table, where would the number of people your mate has slept with rank?

I am a modern dude and while I think HISTORY is very important sometimes you have to take different things under consideration. My thing is, the world is full of sluts today. Whether you meet the person at a church, club, or in cyberspace, you are going to have to make that decision on your own. My preferences shouldn’t be my friends and vice-versa. There’s only one life to live and whether or not you want your mates’ history to disrupt a beautiful journey you two could potentially map out, well, that’s your prerogative my friend.

Please leave feedback.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A bag of multi-colored candies

One of the things that have always fascinated me since I was a kid was interracial love. I always thought that it was one of the coolest things to engage in. I mean it’s not cool to seek it out for the color factor alone. Yet if it came your way, why not go with it? There are some out there would never cross the 'color' line."Racial' pride...Memories of slavery....You name it. Yet there are others who would do it just because they found the person likable. Back in Washington DC and many cities in the northeast, you see a lot of 'mixed couples'. When you think of the word mixed, one automatically thinks of black-white hookups; But there are so many other kinds of hookups, it’s interesting; Black-Asian, Asian-Euro, Native American-Black, Latino-Asian, Black-Latino, etc. It’s like opening a bag of multi-colored candies. The combos can be amazing. Most interracial couples (And what is up with that term? Inter means between.....How can humans be between their own species? The term interracial would apply only if a human got involved with a being from another planet.....A member of another 'race) will be the first to tell you that they ignored their lover's skin color.

I don’t want you to compare it to someone being 'color blind'. There is no way you can miss the color of anyone's skin unless you were truly blind. The key word here is ignored. They saw the skin color differences, but choose to ignore them. That's kind of a wonderful thing to say when you think about it. I saw the skin color....but chose to ignore it. They will also tell you that once they saw past that superficial barrier, they were able to see the person within. Something about that person did it for them. Maybe it was their niceness, their personality, their smiles, their humor or their goofiness. (Hey, don't knock that last part. Goofy doesn't mean stupid....Just goofy! (lol) ).They saw really nice qualities that went past the skin color.

Summer is when they appear to come out in droves. Many of them make such nice couples because of those different physical differences .One of the most attractive interracial couples I ever saw was on the train one warm summer's day in the nation’s capital. It was a white man and a black woman. The man was a classically handsome blue-eyed blond and the woman was beautiful, dark ebony with pretty black eyes. The differences between them made them even more attractive. It was looking at humanity at its best; just two human beings enjoying each others' company. I never forgot how beautiful a couple they made. How happy they seem.

I mean if God made us in so many different colors and shades, he had to have a Master Plan. Or maybe he liked seeing his creations in different colors. Kind of boring if everyone had the same color skin.(lol). I don't think that 'interracial' love is problem-free, you know? Like most couples who are drawn towards each other, you're going to have problems. That comes with the territory. And with the added stupidity of 'race' and color added in....Still there is a certain beauty is such couples. It proves that you can't build a barrier high enough to separate people. They're going to find a way to get together. I have heard plenty of people who said they would never date outside their culture let alone outside their race. Whites top the list for obvious reasons (lol). Yet they would avoid Asians, Native Americans, and Latinos (Which still mystifies me seeing as how many Mexicans, Dominicans, Cubans, and Puerto Ricans look just like us. No one said anything about such attitudes making any kind of sense).That's their right.
But what is annoying is when they get on those soap boxes slamming those that do. It’s not your thing?....Not your cup of tea? Cool, just don't badmouth those that do. I have dated outside my race before and truthfully, I enjoyed them. You never know, I may still end up with one of them given how much bad luck I have had with the ladies.

And for those of you who think that it’s totally different to date a white person, it isn’t. the same is pretty much the same except this time she enjoys giving head, and she enjoys getting slapped, and getting her hair pulled. Lol. But besides that, the activities remain the same. We spent the time going to the museums, the zoos, movies, outdoor sports, the parks, and the tourist attractions. We also checked out the nighttime concerts in the park, nightclubs, pubs, bars, etc. I have nothing bad to say about those women because they each contributed something to my growth.

I'm not advocating seeking out such a tryst, but if one comes your way and you're free and available...Why not? Forget about all the bulls**t reasons for not doing it. Everyone should have at least one interracial encounter in their lives. If they did, then racism would die a whole lot sooner.

Racism sucks

There’s this sign down in Miami that simply brings a lot of joy to my heart. It simply says Racism Sucks. I am totally in agreement with the sign and its connotation. Racism is one of the worst things in the world and I hate it. I hate that s**t with the same zeal as Satan hating God.

Having taken a few History courses, I simply never understood the whole meaning of behind racism. I don't see myself hating or avoiding you because you have a different skin color or hair type. It’s just petty to me and I will not succumb to such level. Yes, there are lots of white racists, they have always been and will always be; there are also a lot mullatos (wannabe whites) who are also racist, and that also will never change. But your ass must be tripping if you think that racists only come in the light shades. Some of the most virulent racists I ever met were a whole lot darker. I know many of you who ain’t never been nowhere (outside of little Haiti or your little city) cannot believe such a thing because people of color don't control the power structure.

Uh huh…that’s that intellectual bullshit right there. You need to keep in mind that racism has nothing to do with the power given but only with personal viewpoint. This is not a defense of 'YT". No, it’s just a discourse of trying to get past the stupidity of prejudging without pre-knowing. It’s been holding us down, both black and white for way too long. It’s like a barrier erected a long time ago, but still here. Still keeping everybody apart and it continues to take its toll on a lot of innocent people from both side of the spectrum.

I have seen this since I was a young lad and almost 28 years into my existence, it is still relevant. I am sick and tired of this shit. I didn’t understand then and I still don’t get it now. I know many of you would like to think of me as an idealist who’s blind and also been brainwashed by his professors, but folks this isn’t the case. I'm fully aware of our history in this country. Fully aware of what we have gone through as a community. I'm just tired of it and I'm sure that millions of others on both sides of the fence are sick of it too.

You ever see small kids playing in the playground? You ever just sat and watch them at play? They could care less about what color their playmates are. For the most part, they get along pretty well. The racism comes later and you best believe that it’s not an inherited quality.

There is a famous song in the play “South Pacific”, You Gotta Be Taught How to Hate, that song is so true. Yes , some of it you may pick up in dealing with racist asses all over. Yet a lot of it is whispered softly or loudly in those young ears. The older generation really needs to put a damper on all that nonsense. But they won't. They will do just about anything to keep that fire and hatred going. You would think that after five hundred years of racism, we would get tired of it and let it go, but they’re not. So, how long can this awful cancer go on?

I'm looking at the cemetery in thirty years tops and it’s still depressing to think that it'll go on for another two centuries at best. I wouldn't want my son or future grandchildren to have to put up with this, but they probably will. I see it dying one day and no, that is not idealism talking. It'll have to die if we are to proceed as one race; instead of several 'races'. I would like to think of us as just one race; the Human race, who comes in many different beautiful colors.

Growing up on Maple Ave, our street was surrounded with ethnicity. You had the Italians, the French, and the Germans, the Ethiopians, the Hispanics and the many Africans. We all got along pretty well. My best bud in grade school Luis was a Dominican cat; and my best bud in High school Ish (RIP) was French/African. We ate in each other's homes, attended each other's parties, the kids hung out in the summer and had snowball fights in the winter. We had crushes on each other as kids and our parents laughed it off. We went to the same grammar schools together. I have a lot of fond memories of those years because everyone in the neighborhood didn't give a damn if you a Negro or a Blanco, you were simply you and that’s all that mattered.

You're talking about working class whites, blacks, and latinos who shared the same problems and same worries. You had no time to teach racism because you were too busy trying to come up with the mortgage and the school payments etc. You don't have a fistfight in a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean. You figure out a way to survive until you either hit land or a passing ship found you.
Sometimes I wish some folks would simply let things be and embrace their surroundings. I know a lot of my Haitian people are racist too. The so-called white Haitians tend to be a bit booji but they too need to wake the hell up because they ain’t white. They’re just a shade lighter them my butthole, they too can go to hell if they feel like they’re better or more privilege that me or anyone else for that matter.

Racism sucks and the world cannot go on this way if we keep oppressing each other. We keep talking about progress and growth yet the biggest leap we can make is to negate all the nonsense that has kept us down for the past 200 plus years.
When I go back home to see my folks, it’s always nice to check in with the guys from Maple Ave. Some of them are doctors, lawyers, writers, NBA players, NFL players, and NHL player. We have had a bond that cannot be broken. Had racism been at the heart of our community, we wouldn’t have been who we are today. Our past connects us and it has been that way for many other kids from Maple Ave. I’d like to believe that Maple Ave is the most culturally diverse street in America. Maple Ave is similar to the UN summit.
The Moral to all this?.....It goes back to that sign in the window “Racism Sucks”.

It doesn't matter who practice it. Black, White, Asian, or Latino.....Bottom line?

Racism Sucks.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Pursuit Of Wisdom

I have spent my whole life in search of knowledge. As the pursuit of wisdom, philosophy raises questions about almost everything except what it means to question in the first place.

So what is wisdom? Wisdom is defined as knowledge, understanding, experience, and being able to find solutions to problems.

Does everyone have it? Anyone can have wisdom; it’s just a matter of applying the knowledge you already possess to the greater good of those around you.

My pursuit of wisdom is infinite. As long as I am breathing, I will continue to seek it. I am very selective in the books that I read, the places I hang out, the people I engage in deep conversation with, and the people I share my time with. Everything that I do is part of my search for more knowledge; a deeper appreciation of life; a deeper understanding of my surrounding; and of course, learning more about the people around me.

I hope people do not confuse wisdom with religion. A lot of folks believe that we can only gained wisdom by reading the bible or sometimes they view the bible as the sole source of wisdom. I would like to dispute that fact. I just feel like the bible itself was written by a man; and yes it lays out a perfect plan for those who believe in the lord, yet I know that there are a lot of great self help books out there that have benefitted a lot of people.

I urge you to seek knowledge and a better understanding of everything around. It will surely help you in the long run. I’d love to write more about this but it wouldn’t you one bit. It would only be my experience and my own pursuit. So feel free to drop your thoughts and lets talk about this topic.

Mr Prodg.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just a good ol feeling

Today is simply one of those days. It’s a good day. When I woke up this morning, I just had this special feeling. No, I didn’t none last night, so it’s not that. I am just feeling. No special feelings, just a good ol’ feeling. We’re about to hit a quarter of the year and so far everything have been exactly like I predicted, fucked I have to give thanks for that. I woke though with a sense of focus and renewed energy and my vision has never been clearer. Somehow I wish I could this feeling to anyone reading this entry. At this very moment, whatever problems I am going through doesn’t matter to me anymore because I will no longer let my situation or circumstances dictate my feelings.

I’ve always been serious about my life; especially things and people I get involved with. I have made a few mistakes on that end but I’ve learned quickly who to trust, who to turn to in time of needs, who to count on, and most importantly, who to surround myself with. Just a few months before my 28th birthday and I finally got it; I am not going to react to any life events anymore. I am not waiting for any mishaps to happen in my life in order for me to get serious about things; I am going to create what I want to see for me and the people who count on me and go extremely hard from here on out. I feel good man. It’s good day.

One can say I’ve been spoiled a bit; I’ve had an easy life. I’ve always had good parents, good family members to reach out; so I guess in my adult life I have been spoiled a bit too. So to a certain extent, I allowed that to get out of control but that will no longer be the case.

I am walking around with one of those “I just hit the jackpot” attitude; it’s not even funny. I have no time to ponder of the break ups, the foes who pretended to be friends, the death of some good buddies etc. Pain is temporary so it’s time to move on to bigger and better things.

A good book and some soul searching is a pre-requisite of adulthood. My advisors used to say that in grad school.

I just now figured it out.

Mr. Prodg

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Let's talk about EXISTENCE

Existence: How do you define existence? Do you cease to exist (if we really do exist) once you're dead or is it independent of physical things?

Great existentialists have pondered these questions for many many years now. One’s existence depends on how one perceives the world to be. I have held numerous conversations with people, who felt like they didn’t exist simply because they weren’t at the level they wanted or needed to be, or life’s journey has taken them on a different course than they had plan; either way existence isn’t a word that should be taken lightly.

Socrates, one of the great philosophers believed that the value or quality of one's life depends on understanding the principles of, or basic rationale for human existence; he believed that one’s life would lack virtue. So in order to fully grasp the term, one would need to understand what it means to exist. If I were to say, the Queen is hungry or the Queen is walking, it may be news to those not in the Queen's presence, whereas ‘the Queen exists’ would be news to no one who knew her, and merely puzzling to anyone who did not. The reality of it all is, we as human beings know what it is like to be hungry or to walk, but what we’re unsure of is, what is it like to exist, how does the experience feels? Saying i am hungry or I am walking is an action that can be easily emulated by anyone who’s physical condition will allow them to feel those things but one’s existence isn’t something we can indicate to anyone.

Now, I assure that I will not quote all the great philosophers that I have read about but I must say, most of the opinions from the great philosophers are very different from one another. Aquinas, Hume, Kant, Plato, and Socrates, they each offered a different outlook on that word and it’s very fascinating as you dig deep into the topic.

In "Origin of Negation", my main man Sartre tried to posit the beginning of human existence from a new post-enlightenment perspective (God is Dead we could say). What he thought was that existence pervaded wherever nothingness was not perceived. The idea of existence might now be so easily definable though. We could take the idea on step further into nothingness, and try to decide if existence is really a negation of nothingness, or merely a facet of nothingness which perception moulds to exist at a certain time and place.

So do we exist even after we’re gone? I’d like to think that we do simply because I feel like all of the things we learned or passed on to other people, even after we’re gone, they remain on this earth. So physically you’re gone yet the lessons, the advices, the things that we did while on this planet will never leave and that to me is still part of one’s existence.

So how do one define existence? It’s all subjective my friends. But I hope by reading this, you can begin to dig deep within and come up with your own definition of ‘existence’ and possibly you can come to grips with what it means to exist.

Mr Prodg.