My Blog...Mi Casa...Su Casa

I am the first and last of my kind....

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Response Part 2...

Has your charm and flirtatious attitude ever got you in trouble?

- All the time…It’s getting me in trouble right now!!! lol B

lol, how so? positively or negatively?
Someone is taking you too serious or NOT taking you serious?

Thanks for responding.

Negatively bc the women i want to get serious with tend to assume that i am playing around. I am dealing with that though. It is what it is at the end of the day.

Thanks for checking up on me though.

Response to your Questions

Here's the response to your comments Ms lady...I'll be back on Monday...Guaranteed!

Hello sir!

I get bored when there's nothing new to read on your blog. I'm hoping you have an exciting weekend that will somehow stimulates your thoughts.
About I ask you a question(s)?

How is your relationship with females differs when you are seriously interested or just having fun/being flirtatious?

Have females ever misinterpreted your charming ways and how do you go about setting the records straight?

Has your charm and flirtatious attitude ever got you in trouble?
waiting inpatiently...

Sorry about that. I’ve been dealing with a personal matter, so it’s been tough to concentrate. But here are the answers to your questions…

How is your relationship with females differs when you are seriously interested or just having fun/being flirtatious?

- It greatly differs because I get a bit timid around the ones that I actually want. Some women just have that effect on me. If I openly flirt with someone then you must believe it won’t go any further than that. Some things ought to remain private and my love interest’s one of those things.

Have females ever misinterpreted your charming ways and how do you go about setting the records straight?

- I have had a few but at then end of the day I set them straight. I won’t let someone build up all these feelings for me just to find out that I was only joking/flirting. I am not that bad of a lad. The best thing to do is to keep it honest and try to avoid saying certain things.

Has your charm and flirtatious attitude ever got you in trouble?

- All the time…It’s getting me in trouble right now!!! lol

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Be ready when they come for you...

I haven’t been able to post this week, just taking care of a few personal matters. Hope you guys are doing well. I should be able to drop a new for you in the next couple of days but in the mean time just want y’all to get y’all stuff in order. When the powers that be come for you, they will take everything. Best believe me…Hope you guys have a great week.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"I don't need him"

Have you ever had a female friend say that to you? Or have you yourself said, “shoot, I don’t need no man”… Well, ladies while I understand your frustration I totally disagree.

I have met a lot of couples who have gone through so much together and in the midst of a heated argument they would say things that they don’t particularly mean but the minute the woman say, “I don’t need you”, that’s when things are taken to a whole different level. As I perused the net the other day, I came across an article about the demise of the black man where they discussed women who make more money than their male partners and who flaunt it in their man’s face. What many women fail to see is that, a lot of man cannot take that. We won’t ever tolerate being emasculated by a woman, whether she’s with you or not, it’s unacceptable. So brothers who are threaten by this end up leaving and women try to convince themselves that can live without a man while their children suffer the most in the process.

I’ve always believed in hard work and if I am with a woman my job as her partner is to encourage her to grow, to fulfill her potential, and if it means she has to leave me to reach her full potential then I will allow that. I am a confident brother so I won’t ever be intimidated by the growth, intellectual and or success of my woman. Not possible. Her success is only benefitting us because now her motivation is my motivation to succeed as well. We fail to realize that when building a successful relationship, sometimes you need to let your guard down and cast aside your ego for the future of the relationship.

One thing I need my woman to know is that, no amount of success can replace me. You need to let her know that she needs you just as much as you need her. Back in the days, women didn’t know as much as they do now, so a lot of the new age women are taught that women can do just as much as men, excluding certain physical limitations those of which are balanced out by physical acts that they can do that men cannot. My dudes, think about this for a second. Don’t you think mentally women have the same capabilities of logic, reason, and intellect as any man. Don’t you think there are evil women just as there are evil men, and good women just as there are good men. It’s time that we recognize and respect one another for who they are and what they bring to a relationship. At the end of the day, the woman’s contribution to a healthy relationship matters just as much as man’s.

So ladies, when you say you don’t need a man to make it in this world, do think about the things you’d be missing out on. For my ladies up north, do you think it’s the same when you’re sleeping alone on that cold night, surrounded by cold sheets and an empty heart? How sweet are you successes if you don’t have anyone to share them with? True that you can motivate yourself but don’t you think that by having your partner push and motivate you it would be a better feeling? Ladies, I understand you don’t need someone who’s abusing you, degrading you, insulting you, mistreating you etc. but you need him just as much as he needs you mah. Hope you don’t go twisting my words saying that I want him to have authority over you that is not the case at all. He needs to understand that he doesn’t have power over you and that you 2 are equals and nothing will ever change that. Brothers are crazy at times and we do and say some crazy stuff but we ourselves need to realize that in front of every strong and successful brother, there’s a strong and successful woman. We cannot be too proud and let our egos get in the way of love folks. It’ll mess up the whole ride up the ladder.

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Quarter Century (Part 3)

For the past 5 months, I’ve had a lot of different, interesting, and fun times with women. (What guy out there has not?). Breaking down every relationship whether serious or not is meant for a biography and blogs are not meant for that length of story. Keeping it short and sweet works best. The flings were probably the sweetest and the memories are gonna' warm my bones when my sexual machinery is dead and I can't see beyond the length of my arm. Most of the flings involved Sistas and were based on Lust more than anything. We saw what we wanted at the time and jump on it. (Literally). No ties. Was it a cool thing to do?

To the moralists out there maybe not, but it was still a lot of fun!.Most Brothers face the issue of non-black women (White and Latina) are some points in their lives and I was no exception. Did I cross that line?....You betcha. Seeing Latinas and White chicks were no big deal because I was raised among them and considered them to be like family. My first heartthrob was a Latina.... Some Sistas frown upon Brothers seeing White women because they feel that there are too many fine black women out there still looking for a Brotha' to hook up with and we should be spending our time concentrating on them. Point noted and taken. But suppose you meet someone that you really like...She likes you. She is smart, funny, sweet, kind, and overall nice. The only 'flaw' is her skin in white, her hair blonde, and her eyes blue. Why bypass her because she is not black?.The spring fling that I had with this one woman was a positive and warm experience.

Would I do it again if the situation arose?......Yes, 'cause it wasn't based on color, just mutual attraction. But once it ended, I went back to Sistas. I didn't stay in that camp too long. (lol).
My other relationships leading to today, the 1st of June, 06, have been fun and not so meaningful. I am simply not into getting serious with anyone right now; I have endured way too much. I like being a bachelor 'cause it offers a lot more freedom and I can walk at anytime I desire. I've have several women tell me to my face that they can change me and soon after they get to know me, they realize that I ignore their signals. Most of them envied my status....What else you want to throw at me? I don't see myself living with a woman. You got your place....I got mine....We can get together, but living together is not an option.

So as I look back on these last 25 years, it has been fun and I really did enjoy my birthday party. I got looks and smiles and yes, it stroked my considerable ego. My sex drive is crazy, people say it’s going to get worst since I am now entering the prime of my life. I won’t be chasing any skirts but I love women though...Love being around them...Love bedding them.....My good looks and easy going personality is gonna' help me in having women that love to frolic under the sheets....I'm not talking about sexing everything in a skirt....That easy I am not...I am looking for light stuff...fluff...I've done the serious route and found it wanting.....I've wanted to get married but I don’t want to go into that route anymore. I want to meet someone but until then I am going to enjoy the next 25.

The end of the quarter century journal entry…

A Quarter Century (Part 2)

There was kind of a lull in my college years. I was focused on my studies and women didn't register on my radar, and I was also seeing someone, the infamous ex. Those four years were not necessarily lonely ones (she lived overseas), just strangely woman free, for the most part. A lot of the girls I came across were only after one thing, sex and some cash. Sure I got looks ,even subtle offers. I had soccer, my events, frat, and plenty of interesting classes which were filled with fine women, but not a whole lot happen.

I love being around them, but nothing happened beyond a friendship thing. My looks were maturing, the teen-age boy look was fading and the guy in his early twenties was replacing it. Non-black women were in that picture and along with the Sistas they had a hard time trying to place me my ethnical background....Where you from?.....The Caribbean?.....Is there some Chinese in your family? (I have these crazy looking eyes).... You American?....Either I was a 'foreigner' or I was some kind of bi-racial. I wasn’t black enough so I couldn’t be African American. They couldn't place me and that tickled me to Death. Women didn't start to play a major part of my life until after that night. That very painful night!

My virginity was lost more than a decade ago to this gorgeous nineteen -year old Sista with mocha colored skin and pretty brown eyes. Once that went down, my sex drive went into overdrive.(laugh).No i wasn't promiscuous, but it was activated. It was sorta cast aside given that I was in a relationship yet now I consider myself one of the best looking guys in the country and you out there know how i like to joke about that. But I have to tell you that looks didn't always get me a bed partner. If I met ten women in a day, six out of ten would not give me the time of day. Women are much smarter than me when it comes to physical appearances.
Men are visual and that's cool....But women tend to look beyond the surface. They look deeper and you could be the best looking guy they ever saw, yet they will look beyond that for something that they really like. George Clooney and Denzel Washington are two of the hottest stars out there today. Women flock to them like bees to honey. But there are millions of women that don't find them attractive at all. Maybe the UPS guy in his summer shorts does it for them...Maybe the local firefighter gets them going...Or the quiet geek with the shy smile gets those panties creaming! So looks help, but they aren't the main course. My experience with women would get more interesting as I got closer to 25. But I’ll save the last one for part 3.

A Quarter century (Part I)

I wrote this piece around my 25th birthday 2 years ago.

As a quarter of a century of living comes up, there are so many things being analyzed throughout the course of my life and women are definitely part of that mix. Girls and women have found me attractive over past decade and for that I will always be grateful.

Yeah, I talk a lot of s**t about being good looking and for most of my life this has been true. Good looking men and women know they are attractive 'cause they have heard it most of their lives. And I am not different. Whether I am at the super market, a concert, a night club, the bowling alley, on a plane, at the metro station, driving on the highway, someone always find a way to pay me a compliment and I take that very seriously.

I was always cute as baby and a kid....'fine' as a teen...and 'handsome' as an adult. All of that sounds good and all, but that does not keep you from having loves that were unrequited and loves that broke your heart. As I think back to my first major crush Nora, a fine as hell Latina with dark eyes, dark hair and a cute accent. She was a year older. (I was about 12 then) I met her in Miss Califa’s 3rd period english class and shawty just took my breath away; literally took my breath away, had my asthma acting up and all that stuff. I was instantly smitten. I was in middle school, an 8th-grader, entering adolescence and my hormones were starting to rage. (lol). I didn't know how to handle this new feeling. The thing is, my oldest brothers were away for school lived outside of DC so I had no one to lean on and going to my church buddies as much as I love them, it was too embarrassing to even think about. It got worse whenever she would talk to me.

I can laugh now, but it was so confusing then. I would stammer and look anywhere except into those pretty brown eyes. Girls then knew how shy I was around them and they had a good time messing with me about it. (lol). It became sport to surround me and talk to me, they knew I would always fall over my tongue and looked either at a wall or the floor.....any place except their faces. Maria was on the female soccer team and I on the male. And sometimes both squads would practice together and it was torture 'cause I had such a crush on her. My teammates gave me hell for that one.

I would catch her sometimes looking at me as I was doing my tricks (I was the best player on the team). I got the impression that she liked me too but neither of us did anything about it. Youth and shyness kept us apart. I was crazy about Nora until graduation when we realized that we were not going to see each other again since we both would be going to different high schools.

But she and I remained in contact via letters, phone conversations and sometimes we would link up for group activities, depending on my heavy schedule. So my senior year in High school, I transferred to her school and it was then I saw another chick who had a big crush on me back in middle school, her name is Genevieve. It was troubling me because if I had a crush on Nora and Genevieve had a crush on me and we’re all practically live in the same area. So I did what many in my situation would do, I was friendly with both of them but when I was with Nora, I would ignore Genevieve and vice versa. In truth though, I always thought Genevieve was pretty but she was stuck up. And it wasn’t until we shared the same class and sat next to each other that I saw how special she was. All these girls knew that I had a lot of chicks who liked me. Being the star soccer player and a finalist for major scholarships, these girls wanted to put up with all the hoopla that surrounded the Psquare. Back then the “Psquare” stood for Playboy Prince. Genevieve was a pretty dime piece, she was French, and she had smooth caramel skin, big brown eyes, short hair, and the cutest accent you ever heard. She was smart, sweet, kinda shy, and gentle. I found myself making her laugh (My shyness was gone by then since I had already been pussyrize on many occasions) and I found myself drawn towards her. I was returning the crush she had on me. But I was taken at the time, to the girl I eventually got engaged to. So immediately after I broke off my engagement late last year, Genevieve was the first person I called and we went out a couple of times and shared that long overdue kiss.

The girls in high school teased me because they knew I could get them and never did make a move until they put it right in my face (Suzie, Christie, Christina, Semhal, Quianna, just to name a few bold ones), but for the most part they were among the nicest girls I ever met. Some of them years later would laughingly tell me that they messed with me because I was different from the other boys. I was a bookworm, a stylistic playboy who knew what to say and when to say, I was always politically correct, some would say I was the man who thought he knew it all, but most importantly, I was always a caring friend, someone who would give you his last dollar even if I was starving, and the ladies I run with, they appreciated that. I never chased(Hugh Hefner never chased a playgirl, so why would I?) them and they got a kick out of how they could make blush just by talking to me.

Nora and I did get it on the night of my 25th birthday party, by then she had 2 kids and jobless. I invited her to the party because Genevieve thought it would be cool, she and I got it on that night too, along with Vicky, her girlfriend. I haven’t spoken to her in a while though, maybe I need to give her a call after I finish this piece, but I tell you though, if you have a crush, just let her know because she/he might end up a lifelong friend.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

And you say you love me...

So you say you love me, right? You say you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself if I was taken away from you, right? So really, how deep is your love for me? How passionate are you? Do you think of me when you’re going to sleep? Do you share your love for me with others? Do you stand up for me when I am being ridiculed and criticized? Do you know my history? For once, I wish you could show some respect and ask about me so that you can be up-to-date. So really, tell me, how deep is your love for me? You say you love me unconditionally yet I don’t be seeing you for weeks, sometimes months, most importantly, you don’t even show up to support me. The only time I get see you, is when you’re getting your shine on, why is it like that? Is that what you call true love? Tell me this, are you doing this because you love me or you’re doing it because of what may come out of it? Truthfully, I don’t really think you love me. When you really love something you have to support it as much as you can and not just when it’s convenient for you. It’s a sacrifice on both ends.

So to all my Creole Hip Hop artists, do you really love the movement? If you say you do, then why not show it sometimes. Why must you only show up to a show when you’re performing and after your performance is done, you pay no mind to the others. Where’s the love? Creole Hip Hop is only going to make it if we first support each other, without that, we have nothing.

Yes, I am talking to you fam. You so call yourself a Creole Hip Hop head yet I haven’t seen you at the shows where you weren’t performing. I am not asking you to go out of your way to make it to the shows but at least once, just show some respect and some appreciation for your fellow Creole Hip Hop MC’s. You’re jealous of the New Yorkers but why do you think they’re so close? Why do you think they stay back even after their own performance? Why do you think they know each other’s songs and lyrics?

I am not telling you to emulate the NY rappers, but just for once, imagine what we all can do collectively, if we showed some love for not just our fellow MC’s but for the movement.

Créole Hip Hop…Le Combat Continue frère…

Monday, March 3, 2008

DeadEnd (Excerpt from Perfection Execution)

Excerpt from The Perfect Execution written by yours truly…

Here we are sitting at the park, talking about our past misfortunes and our experiences. I could tell she and I was going to have a long night, it seems like the perfect match, the mate that we both were waiting for. So I leaned over and kissed her, the first kiss is always awkward and sometimes you just have to roll with the flow. No matter what happens, you need not think about it and proceed on with whatever it is you were discussing. So when that first kissed happen, I could tell she liked it, so I kissed her some more. I wanted to fondle her but there were too many people walking around, so I had to subdue my raging hormones. Now some might be wondering why I would want to do that but as I mentioned, sometimes you just have to go with the flow. You can’t necessarily plan these things out for they may not be executed properly. I knew she wanted me to touch her and feel all up on her but it wasn’t right. We were at the wrong place and to continue exploring her lips would get us both in trouble. Given that I was staying with family, there was no way I could take her back to the house, so we made plans to meet at a later date and prayerfully explore each other sexually.

As we left the park, I couldn’t help it but to touch her buttocks, her breast and anything that my hands could easily grab. She liked it. It was different. So when we got back in the car, I wanted to do her right then and there but she was too shy. So I reached over to the driver’s seat and touch her thighs, and as my hands travel down to her panties, I was evaluating her body reaction. She was wet. Dripping wet. So I pulled out my shaft and let her feel on it, she surprised me when she put it in her mouth. Right there on the streets, I was getting ready to make history and get it on. Deep within, I was joyous. I couldn’t contain my contentment. So after she properly licked the shaft, she realized that I wasn’t going to ejaculate so we drove off. As she’s driving, my fingers playing with her clitoris, we realized that we were running out gas, so we made a stop. As I walked towards the teller she softly said, “Get a condom if you don’t already have one.” I on the other hand is wondering where we’re going to do it since she didn’t feel comfortable bringing me over to her place.

So the search was on, we had to find a place to get it on. The urge was too much to handle. I wanted her and she wanted me, and by this time I was ready to bust a nut. I was overly excited and I feared if I didn’t get the nookie that night, I would have suffered from blue balls. Alas, we found a dead end, so we parked the car and started to make out. The kisses were so soft, her touch was arousing, her caress was uncanny, and the poison man had finally landed a major fish. So I surrendered and let her do what she had to do. So I put the condom on and on top of the horsey she got, boy, shawty could move. As she was getting ready to reach her peak, we heard a loud bang on the window, shoot, it was the police. They asked us for proper documents and requests that they stepped out the car. Shawty was so slick, she told the police that I had been away from home for a while and I am only back in town for one night; and because we couldn’t a hotel room, we had to find another alternative. She being the charmer that she is, pleaded with the cops and they let us go.

She felt so dirty but at the time I was just so happy that after the cops had knocked on the windows I held her on top of me long enough to bust that nut. Those cops had me stepped out of the car with the condom still attached to my penis. I still get a kick out that.