My Blog...Mi Casa...Su Casa

I am the first and last of my kind....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Married men...single chicks...let's talk

Alright folks, so I have decided to get to my daily blog. To be honest with you, in what direction this will go but for the sake of blogging I will just let things be. If you want me to blog about something, feel free to post it and I’ll be sure to write about it and get others to post their views. Keep in mind that this is only to stimulate intellectual discussions and not something you should take to heart. All opinions express here are for discussion purposes only and please keep all your negative thoughts to yourself and not to me or to those commenting in this blog.

I am going to re-start my blog with something fairly simple; a very simple question which I think many of us have discussed with our friends, comrades, associates etc. If a single woman knowingly has a relationship with a married man and ultimately has a child by that man, is it fair to categorize her as a whore or someone who’s emotionally and mentally unbalanced or even someone with low self esteem.

Now, maybe calling her a whore might be a bit too much but in truth how can someone have an affair/relationship with a married person and carry on a pregnancy knowing damn well this person is married? I know this type of situation happens every day and probably one of you reading this blog may have been through it before but that doesn’t make it right. I don’t think anything response could justify the act.

One thing we have to keep in mind as human beings, we can’t help who we are attracted to but we can control the outcome of situations we are faced in; especially when the end result is detrimental to not only ourselves but our close friends as well as family members.

Lets logically put this in perspective; a relationship with a married man will certainly give you a few thrilling moments especially at the beginning of that relationship but what happens when you’re pregnant and he can’t be with you in the middle of the night? What happens when your ride to die friends can’t back you up on this one? Is it worth it to lose your dignity over a few months of GOOD passionate sex? Is it ok to lose your friends and family members for things that clearly you had control over? But then again, it may all be worth it to you.

My thing is us dudes are always looking for a thrill. And sometimes when we get tired of the same monotonous routine we seek a quick, non committal relationship with someone, that’s how its always been with men and sadly it will never change. I am no better than my peers just stating facts. so instead of wasting time on a married men, I would have to advise you to go on and find you a single dude and pop all the babies that you want.

But to be honest with you, I don’t know what sort of demons you’re battling in your personal life so my personal opinion shouldn’t be taken all that serious but then again you may just be a heffa with her head screwed on backwards. Either way you look at it, one of us is right. Just know that when people are talking behind your back, calling you names and you’re facing the abandonment from your close friends and family members, you only have yourself to blame for you chose to act on your feelings. So what happens when this kid is born and he’s nowhere to be found and he doesn’t want to claim this bastard child of yours? What happens then…you’re left struggling on your own and adding to the already absurd statistic plaguing the African American community.

So before you lay on that bed or sofa or car or kitchen table or floor, make sure you think twice about it…otherwise get ready to be ridiculed.

Please drop your thoughts and let’s keep it civilized folks.

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