My Blog...Mi Casa...Su Casa

I am the first and last of my kind....

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Black on Black Crime...Where are our leaders?

With the tragic passing of former Olympic and boxing champ Vernon Forest, I feel a bit compelled to blog about this and drop my two cents on this issue. I know many people would say that Vernon was just at the wrong place at the wrong time; or maybe one would question his reasons for chasing after the guys who attempted to carjack him. Regardless of your opinion of this, it still doesn’t change the fact a kid has a lost his father, a wife has lost a husband, a family has lost a son, a cousin, an uncle and the black community has lost a great humanitarian.

So when is Black on Black crime going to stop? Will it ever end? As a kid growing up in DC, I heard it plenty of times when people would talk about racism and how it affects us. But what I have noticed in my adult years is that black people's biggest war is not racism, its ghetto low life black men who wonder around the streets looking for trouble. They usually target hard working black men who have done something with their lives. Unfortunately the hard working black man is also target by police because of the low life ghetto hood rat people that call themselves black. They might look like us but they are not us at all. Unfortunately these low life ghetto hood rat people are spreading their disease all over. We should try to stop the disease from spreading and eliminate them once and for all.

Now, I know many of you who have followed this on the news are questioning his motives for having a gun and while I am not sure if it was registered or not yet he felt that it was important for him to pull it out and chase these goons. As easy as it is to fault Forrest for having a gun himself, I can't blame him. It's so unfortunate that a man has to resort to carrying a weapon to protect himself from things like this. Whether Forrest had that gun or not, they would've shot him anyway. Appreciation for the successes of your fellow man regardless of color has long since died. It's hatred, spite, jealousy that motivates those to bring down people who have achieved. We live in the "BET Generation" where all that is stereotypical & negative about black people is glorified in the various forms of media (TV, music, print). It's kill or be killed, hustle this, take that and so on. These are the words, images we see over & over and a good portion of the young black community is accepting it as the way life should be. Protecting yourself like this is commonplace now as a result.

So where is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson right now? They are so quick to jump in front of a camera when Blacks may have been wronged by Whites. But where are they when it is Black on Black Crime?

Too many innocent lives have been lost because some petty criminals think a human life is less valuable than the possessions they forcibly try to take from them. I know Vernon meant a lot to a lot of people especially those involved with his Destiny's Child Organization. Hope they don't let his memory fade in his passing because in doing do, those scums win...