My Blog...Mi Casa...Su Casa

I am the first and last of my kind....

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Je m'écris....Alors j'écris, je cris, j'écris

I am constantly feeling strapped down on this rollercoaster ride that never seems to end once in awhile it may slow down so much that I forget it’s still moving but soon enough it bring itself back to its full speed again and straps me in even tighter than before. Its acceleration increases as I navigate through the loops and swirls, it’s a constant change in direction and nothing stable I can find to hold onto. When I got on this ride I was happy, I wanted to explore and experience its newness, as time elapse I am eager to get deeper yet I am so afraid due to its state of mind. So I find myself riding unbalanced in this hazardous world. This feeling emulsifies my soul, I cannot resist it, the torture, the pain, the constant attacks (whether it was character or ethics) yet I continue to go around wanting to stay on this ride because it is what my heart truly desires. How long can I stay on? Should I be like this ride and take the easy way out? My heart is telling me no…

I am strapped down with terror in my mind, so afraid that this ride will not be able to identify me in time before I decide to call it quits and get the hell off, when will this ride recognize the being in me, and just allow it to just ride and continue on this journey as it’s supposed to. When will it stop ML²?


  1. This piece is all over the place; knowing you, i am sure that is how you wanted to convey your thoughts. I recommend that you do not take the easy way out. The ride will be a lot smoother.

    ps: check out my new column. You'll like it.

  2. I suggest you start doing some convincing. I never knew you as a quitter or a man with no character. They say actions speak louder than words maybe it's time to take some actions.
    Lastly, think before you act. You're a man you should have better judgement and be able to control yourself. Good luck!
