So, a whole bunch of people from all different part of the country have flooded Louisiana this morning not attend the annual Carnival but to rally behind the 6 juveniles who are facing mad jail time after they whipped a white boy to death... While i understand everyone's frustration with the flawed system yet if this was a black on black crime would it have garnered so much p.r.
The fact is that these kids committed a crime but why did it happen? Many people are reporting that the white boy beat up on a black kid earlier in the week, so in retaliation and support for thier fellow classmate, these boys ganged up on him and bust him up. Now they're being charged with attempted murder and a whole bunch of other shit... is it fair??? It all depends on who you ask... Is there a precedence? Not to my knowledge.
I don't condone their acts but to charge them with attempted murder and conspiracy to kill is a little bit too much. Yes these kids should be punished, they need to be taught that they cannot act as lawman and take action when things are not in their favor but the punishment in this case surely doesn't fit the crime...There is a big difference between a fight and attempted murder. Yes, other things went on at the school in the past. So what? Every incident needs to be analyzed critically and objectively, in the here and now, not constantly viewed in the context of past events. There was absolutely no justification for the assault., and never will be under any circumstances. These young men, who happened to be black, came close to killing another young man, who happened to be white. This is intolerable, and while attempted murder is a bit extreme of a consequence yet the need to be punished. If the race roles were reversed in this scenario, I would argue that the white assailants should be prosecuted and hopefully serve community service and get transfered to another school district.
Also, i'm happy the African community as taking a stand but there's also something else brewing in Illinois. Rev Jesse Jackson accused Senator Obama of "acting as if he's white"...WTF kind of shit is that? Jesse Jackson needs to be reminded that not everyone is as vocal as he is when it comes to racial issues...In fact, the senator took a stand way before the disgruntled reverend voiced his opinion...Obama doesn't condone thier actions yet he thinks the proposed punishment doesn't fit the bill....
Now i'm sure many of you are aware of the nooses that these white kids hunged on a tree 3 prior to this incident...Don't you think school admins, the state should have addressed these racial issues and try to appease the tension. Clearly, there's a problem in Jena...Clearly, the community need to congregate and discuss their issues but to make an example out of a high school fight is absurd. This shit happens all the freaking time...There's a high school fight every day in this country...No one is saying that the Jena 6 should've gone unpunished. No one condones using violent methods as a form of retaliation here. Like any other student involved in a schoolyard fight, they should've gotten suspended, and/or charged with assault if anything. The white kids that hung that noose in the tree should've gotten suspended as well...You can't punish one w/o punishing the other.
Violence is not good for our society, it cannot be overlooked yet the system needs to keep things fair for both races...Unlike many others, i don't think it's a racial can't be but there needs to be a no tolerance policy for any violence in our society, no matter what the provocation.
B is out...
2021-2022 Season Finale
*What's That Growling Noise?*
The WORD wonders. That growling noise could be his stomach. Maybe it’s the
backhoe digging up the front yard. Or, more like...
2 years ago
I believe even if the school board had reacted much more promptly, the outcome would have been the same. The White children would seek out the Black children in retaliation and thus the same outcome! There are some real deep racial stratification issues out there! It's obvious what is going on in Jena would have happened sooner or later and in this case it occurred sooner. Even during the peaceful demonstrations, it was apparent b/c some kids went out there way to hang nooses off the back of their trucks. Jena unfortunately is another reminder of how far we have and haven't progressed in the whole racial movement.